returns the trek generator gen[data] when called by EquationTrekker. The specific form of data depends on the trek generator gen.
returns a trek generator that does not use an independent variable.
- To use InitializeGenerator, you first need to load the Equation Trekker Package using Needs["EquationTrekker`"].
- EquationTrekker[problem,dvars,{t,tmin,tmax},TrekGenerator->{gen,subopts}] calls InitializeGenerator[gen,problem,dvars,{t,tmin,tmax},{subopts}] to initialize the generator gen.
- EquationTrekker[problem,dvars,None,TrekGenerator->{gen,subopts}] should be used when gen does not use an independent variable, in which case EquationTrekker will call InitializeGenerator[gen,problem,dvars,{subopts}].
- A new generator newgen can be created by giving the additional InitializeGenerator definition, newgen/:IntializeGenerator[newgen,…]:=newgen[data]. In addition, definitions for the following DownValues of the function newgen[data] need to be given:
newgen[data]["Variables"[]] list of variables newgen[data]["Display"[]] problem description to be displayed newgen[data]["DisplayMode"[]] the display mode, either "Line" or "Points" newgen[data]["FormatTrek"[t0,dvars0,{tmin,tmax}]] information used to tag TrekData newgen[data]["ChangeParameters"[prules]] generator with data modified by new parameters newgen[data]["GenerateTrek"[dvars0,{t0,tmin,tmax}]] list of data points to plot, with initial point given by dvars0 and t0