represents the Cartesian product of the ElementMesh mesh1 and mesh2.
- ElementMeshRegionProduct is also known as outer product region.
- ElementMeshRegionProduct[mesh1,mesh2] represents the region .
- The embedding dimension of the product region is the sum of embedding dimensions, and the geometric dimension is the sum of geometric dimensions.
- The highest product dimension supported is 3.
- ElementMeshRegionProduct has the following options:
"RegionMarkerFunction" None specify region markers
打开所有单元关闭所有单元基本范例 (2)
Create an ElementMesh:
Compute the ElementMesh region product:
Visualize the region product mesh:
Create three ElementMesh instances:
Compute the ElementMesh region product:
Scope (1)
Create two ElementMesh instances:
Compute the ElementMesh region product:
Options (2)
"RegionMarkerFunction" (2)
Create a marker association and a region member function:
Define a region marker function:
Create ElementMesh that is used in each direction:
Compute the ElementMesh region product:
Inspect the "MeshElementMarkerUnion" of the generated mesh:
Visualize the region product mesh with the region markers:
Create a marker association and a region member function:
Define a region marker function:
Create ElementMesh that is used in each direction:
Compute the ElementMesh region product:
Wolfram Research (2021),ElementMeshRegionProduct,Wolfram 语言函数,https://reference.wolfram.com/language/FEMDocumentation/ref/ElementMeshRegionProduct.html.
Wolfram 语言. 2021. "ElementMeshRegionProduct." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/FEMDocumentation/ref/ElementMeshRegionProduct.html.
Wolfram 语言. (2021). ElementMeshRegionProduct. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 https://reference.wolfram.com/language/FEMDocumentation/ref/ElementMeshRegionProduct.html 年