Digital Outputs
A digital output is the most elementary feature in a microcontroller. A pin that is a digital output is set either high or low. The high value is the microcontroller's operating voltage Vcc and the low value is .
Basic Operation
In the basic operation of a digital output pin the output is either high or low.
The specification "pin"->"Digital" is equivalent to "pin"-><"Type"->"Digital" >.
Pulse Generation
In the basic operation, the output remained high or low for the entire duration of the sampling period. However, by specifying the output type to be a "Pulse", pulses of varying widths can be generated.
The complete specification is "pin"-><"Type"->"Pulse",spec1->val1,… >. The following specs can be given:
By default τp is assumed to be the same as τ which is the sampling period of sys. An explicit timer can also be specified. Otherwise it will be automatically chosen.
The output signal has the following form:
If τp is greater than τ then it effectively is τ. If Δ is greater than τp then it effectively is τp.