.NET/Link API Version 1.7 USE FRAMES

IKernelLink.GetExpressionType Method 

Gives the type of the current element in the expression currently being read. Overrides the IMathLink method by allowing the extra return type ExpressionType.Object.

[Visual Basic]
Function GetExpressionType() As ExpressionType
ExpressionType GetExpressionType();


ExpressionType.Object is returned whenever a NETObject expression, or the symbol Null, is waiting on the link. Otherwise this method behaves just like the version in the IMathLink interface.

Unlike GetNextExpressionType, GetExpressionType will not advance to the next element if the current element has only been partially read.


Exception Type Condition
MathLinkException On any MathLink error.

See Also

IKernelLink Interface | Wolfram.NETLink Namespace | GetNextExpressionType | EnableObjectReferences | GetObject