OpenCLLink allows the Wolfram Language to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into the Wolfram Language. OpenCLLink also integrates OpenCL with existing Wolfram Language development tools, allowing a high degree of automation and control.
OpenCLQ | determine whether OpenCLLink is supported |
OpenCLInformation | enumerate all device information |
$OpenCLLinkPath | path to the OpenCLLink application |
$OpenCLLinkLibraryPath | path to the OpenCLLink library resource files |
$OpenCLPlatform | platform used in OpenCLLink computation |
$OpenCLDevice | device used in OpenCLLink computation |
Functions for querying the setup of OpenCLLink.
OpenCLFunction | handle to OpenCL function loaded using OpenCLFunctionLoad |
OpenCLFunctionLoad | load OpenCLFunction into the Wolfram Language |
OpenCLFunctionInformation | get OpenCLFunction information |
Working with OpenCL functions.
SymbolicOpenCLFunction | symbolic representation of an OpenCL function |
SymbolicOpenCLBlockIndex | symbolic representation of a block index OpenCL call |
SymbolicOpenCLThreadIndex | symbolic representation of a thread index OpenCL call |
SymbolicOpenCLBlockDimension | symbolic representation of a block dimension OpenCL call |
SymbolicOpenCLKernelIndex | symbolic representation of a kernel index OpenCL call |
SymbolicOpenCLCalculateKernelIndex | symbolic representation of an OpenCL index calculation |
SymbolicOpenCLDeclareIndexBlock | symbolic representation of an OpenCL index declaration |
Symbolic representations of OpenCL programs.
OpenCLMemory | handle to OpenCL memory registered using OpenCLMemoryLoad or OpenCLMemoryAllocate |
OpenCLMemoryLoad | load Wolfram System memory into OpenCLLink, returning OpenCLMemory |
OpenCLMemoryAllocate | allocate memory for OpenCLLink, returning OpenCLMemory |
OpenCLMemoryGet | copy OpenCLMemory to the Wolfram Language |
OpenCLMemoryUnload | unload and delete an OpenCLMemory handle |
OpenCLMemoryInformation | get OpenCLMemory handle information |
OpenCLMemoryCopyToHost | copy OpenCLMemory from GPU to CPU |
OpenCLMemoryCopyToDevice | copy OpenCLMemory from CPU to GPU |
Functions for working with memory in OpenCL.
OpenCLFractalRender3D | compute and ray trace a 3D fractal |
OpenCLImplicitRender3D | compute and render an implicit surface |
OpenCLMersenneTwister | generate random numbers on the GPU |