assigns the value of the Mathematica expression expr to a variable var in the R workspace, returning back the value of expr upon success and $Failed upon failure.
- Use RSet to send Mathematica expressions to R.
- The variable name var must be a string, but is not restricted to be the name of a valid R variable. It can actually be any piece of R code, which represents a legal lhs for the purposes of assignments in R (it is an L-value).
- The expression expr must be of the type convertible to R. Normally, you can use the ToRForm function to obtain an internal RLink representation for Mathematica expressions you want to send to R, and at the same time test whether or not your expression is legal.
- RSet works with both the short and long (internal) forms of the expression expr. The form of an expression that is returned is the same as the one used for expr.
打开所有单元关闭所有单元基本范例 (5)
Change the dimensions of the vector v in R:
Compute a matrix product in R:
Send a nested list to R (which will be stored as an R list):
Test the type of R lst variable:
Assign a different expression to the first part of the list:
Sending an expression that cannot be converted to one of the R types fails:
You can see that also by using ToRForm:
Wolfram Research (2012),RSet,Wolfram 语言函数,
Wolfram 语言. 2012. "RSet." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram 语言. (2012). RSet. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 年