As of Version 10.0, standard atmosphere functionality is built into the Wolfram Language »
generates a plot of the specified property property as a function of geometric altitude.
- To use AtmosphericPlot, you first need to load the Standard Atmosphere Package using Needs["StandardAtmosphere`"].
- AtmosphericPlot has the same options as Plot.
- Possible values for property are:
CollisionFrequency collision frequency DynamicViscosity coefficient of dynamic viscosity GravityAcceleration 45-degree-latitude acceleration of gravity KinematicViscosity kinematic viscosity KineticTemperature kinetic temperature MeanDensity mean density of air MeanFreePath mean free path MeanMolecularWeight mean molecular weight MeanParticleSpeed mean particle speed NumberDensity total number density Pressure total atmospheric pressure PressureScaleHeight local pressure scale height SoundSpeed speed of sound ThermalConductivityCoefficient coefficient of thermal conductivity