
TetGen is a quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulator. TetGenLink is a Wolfram System application that uses Wolfram LibraryLink to link to TetGen functions. It is used automatically by the Wolfram Language for various operations, such as interpolation in three-dimensional domains. However, it can also be used directly where it gives a flexible and innovative way to use the functionality of TetGen.

TetGenCreate create an instance of a TetGen expression

TetGenExpression an instance of a TetGen expression

TetGenImport import data from a file into a TetGen expression

TetGenTetrahedralize tetrahedralize a TetGen expression

TetGenExport  ▪  TetGenDelete  ▪  TetGenExpressions  ▪  TetGenSetMessages  ▪  TetGenConvexHull  ▪  TetGenDelaunay  ▪  TetGenDetectIntersectingFacets


TetGenGetPoints return the points in a TetGen expression

TetGenGetFacets return the facets in a TetGen expression

TetGenGetEdges  ▪  TetGenGetElementAttributes  ▪  TetGenGetElements  ▪  TetGenGetFaceMarkers  ▪  TetGenGetFaces  ▪  TetGenGetFacetHoles  ▪  TetGenGetFacetMarkers  ▪  TetGenGetHoles  ▪  TetGenGetNeighbors  ▪  TetGenGetPointMarkers  ▪  TetGenGetRegions


TetGenSetPoints set the points in a TetGen expression

TetGenSetFacets set the facets in a TetGen expression

TetGenSetFacetHoles  ▪  TetGenSetFacetMarkers  ▪  TetGenSetHoles  ▪  TetGenSetPointMarkers  ▪  TetGenSetRegions  ▪  TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes