TetGen is created by Hang Si, Research Group: Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin. More information can be found at
Wolfram Language Functions
This describes the Wolfram Language functions provided by TetGenLink.
TetGen Expressions
TetGenCreate | creates an instance of a TetGen expression |
TetGenDelete | removes an instance of a TetGen expression, freeing up memory |
TetGenExpression | represents an instance of a TetGen object |
TetGenExpressions | returns a list of active TetGen expressions |
Functions for working with TetGen expressions.
TetGen Selectors
This describes the Wolfram Language functions provided by TetGenLink to extract data from a TetGen instance.
TetGenGetEdges | gets the edges in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetElementAttributes | gets the element attributes in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetElements | gets the elements in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetFaceMarkers | returns the face markers for a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetFaces | gets the faces in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetFacetHoles | gets the holes in the facets |
TetGenGetFacetMarkers | returns the facet markers for a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetFacets | returns the facets for a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetHoles | returns the holes in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetNeighbors | gets the neighbors in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetPointMarkers | returns the point markers in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetPoints | returns the points in a TetGen expression |
TetGenGetRegions | returns the regions in a TetGen expression |
Functions for extracting data from a TetGen expression.
TetGen Mutators
This describes the Wolfram Language functions provided by TetGenLink to set data in a TetGen instance.
TetGenSetFacetHoles | sets the holes in the facets |
TetGenSetFacetMarkers | sets the facet markers for a TetGen expression |
TetGenSetFacets | sets the facets for a TetGen expression |
TetGenSetHoles | sets the holes in a TetGen expression |
TetGenSetMessages | enables or disables the issuing of messages from TetGen |
TetGenSetPointMarkers | sets the point markers in a TetGen expression |
TetGenSetPoints | sets the points in a TetGen expression |
TetGenSetRegions | sets the regions in a TetGen expression |
TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes | sets tetrahedra volume constraints |
Functions for setting data from a TetGen expression.
TetGen Functions
This describes the Wolfram Language functions provided by TetGenLink to compute various computational geometry tasks.
TetGenConvexHull | generates a convex hull for a 3D point set |
TetGenDelaunay | generates a Delaunay tetrahedralization for a 3D point set |
TetGenDetectIntersectingFacets | returns a list of points and intersecting facets |
Functions for computing various computational geometry tasks.
TetGen String Codes
This describes the string codes (command switches) needed by TetGenLink to compute various computational geometry tasks.
"p" | tetrahedralizes a piecewise linear complex (PLC) |
"q" | quality mesh generation; a minimum radius-edge ratio may be specified (default 2.0) |
"a" | applies a maximum tetrahedron volume constraint |
"A" | assigns attributes to identify tetrahedra in certain regions |
"r" | reconstructs/refines a previously generated mesh |
"Y" | suppresses boundary facets/segments splitting |
"i" | inserts a list of additional points into mesh |
"M" | does not merge coplanar facets |
"T" | sets a tolerance for coplanar test (default 10-8) |
"d" | detects intersections of PLC facets |
"o2" | generates second-order subparametric elements |
"C" | checks the consistency of the final mesh |
"Q" | quiet:no terminal output except error |
String code needed by TetGen to compute various computational geometry tasks.