
returns the XML expression tree corresponding to the contents of "file".


uses the pre-initialized XMLParser object to parse the file.


reads from a URL.

Details and Options

  • To use XMLGet, you first need to load the XML Package using Needs["XML`"].
  • This is similar to Import[file,"XML"]. However, it can take a pre-initialized XML parser.
  • The following options can be given:
  • "NormalizeWhitespace"Truewhether to remove leading, trailing, and multiple internal whitespace in elements
    "IncludeNamespaces"Automaticwhether to explicitly include namespaces
    "ValidateAgainstDTD"Automaticwhether to validate the XML against the DTD content model
    "IncludeEmbeddedObjects"Nonewhether to retain comments and processing instructions
    "AllowRemoteDTDAccess"Truewhether to seek DTDs on the network
    "ReadDTD"Truewhether to read the DTD
    "IncludeDefaultedAttributes"Falsewhether to explicitly include default attributes as defined in the DTD
    "AllowUnrecognizedEntities"Automaticwhether entities undefined by the DTD are considered errors
    "PreserveCDATASections"Falsewhether the distinction between CDATA sections and regular character data is maintained on import


Basic Examples  (2)

Create a file:

XMLGet returns the contents of the file as an XML expression:

Retrieve data via HTTP. This retrieves stock quotes and returns the data as SymbolicXML: