"FacialExpression" (Built-in Classifier)
Recognize what expression a face displays from an image.

open allclose allBasic Examples (2)
Determine the facial expression of a person:
Obtain the probabilities for the 3 most likely classes:
Obtain a ClassifierFunction for this classifier:
Use the classifier function to classify the facial expression of an example:
Scope (2)
Use the classifier on each face:
For images with many faces, the "FacialExpression" classifier selects the largest face automatically:
Load the ClassifierFunction corresponding to the built-in classifier:
Options (2)
ClassPriors (1)
Use a custom ClassPriors to restrict the possible outputs:
IndeterminateThreshold (1)
Use a custom IndeterminateThreshold:
Neat Examples (1)
Obtain different expressions with their corresponding probabilities:
Visualize the result using WordCloud: