"Number" (Comparison Method)

Compare two numeric quantities based on a tolerance.


  • The number comparison method considers two numeric quantities to be equivalent if they do not differ numerically beyond a given tolerance.
  • The numeric tolerance should usually be set using the Tolerance option in AssessmentFunction. The default value of 0 allows only machine precision differences.
  • By default, the tolerance is compared to the absolute difference between the answer key value and the answer. The DistanceFunction option can be used to specify a different distance metric.
  • When multiple values in the answer key are within the tolerance range of an answer, the closest value is selected.


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Basic Examples  (3)

Create an AssessmentFunction for a number comparison question:

Use it to assess an answer:

Numerically, approximation is always performed and equivalence is tested by default at machine precision level:

Create a check for an approximate number:

Answers within the tolerance range are correct:

Any other value is marked incorrect:

"Number" is chosen automatically when all values in the answer key are numeric. Define assessment for a problem with multiple correct answers:

Use it to assess answers:

With no Tolerance specified, values not in the key are incorrect:

Scope  (5)

Create an assessment for a list of answers, with each element assessed individually:

Assess a list of answers:

Each answer is assessed and scored separately. By default, any incorrect answer gives an overall incorrect result:

Use "ListAssessment""AllElementsOrdered" to create an assessment function for an ordered list of numbers, where all values must be included in the answer:

Evaluate multiple answers:

Use "ListAssessment""AllElementsOrderless" to create an assessment function for a list of numbers, where all values must be included in the answer but the order does not matter:

Apply the function to an answer:

Use "Number" comparison in a QuestionObject:

Use "Number" comparison in a QuestionGenerator:

Applications  (1)

Create a QuestionGenerator for reading values from a plot of a random polynomial:

Generate a random instance of the question:

Properties & Relations  (4)

Specify an answer key containing values that differ by less than the tolerance:

The closest value to the answer is chosen:

Assessment will match exact and inexact values, even with zero tolerance:

For an exact match, without numerical approximation applied, consider "ArithmeticResult" or "Expression":

With no Tolerance specified, the tolerance is effectively based on $MachinePrecision: