"DragCategorize" (Question Interface Type)


presents items for grouping into categories.


  • By default, the "DragCategorize" question interfaces create a dynamic pane showing categories into which items can be dragged.


  • In a drag-categorize question, each item must be assigned to one category, but multiple items can be placed in each category.
  • In QuestionInterface["DragCategorize",props], props is an Association that supports the following keys:
  • "Prompt"Nonetext asking the user a question
    "Categories"requiredlist containing categories to display
    "Choices"requiredlist with items to categorize
    "Labels"Nonelist with corresponding labels for each choice
    "ChoiceStyle"Nonestyle to be applied to the list of choices
    "DefaultZoneSize"0.2relative size of the interface outside of the categories
  • "Choices" should have the form {choice1,choice2,choice3,}.
  • "Categories" should have the form {category1,category2,category3,}.
  • If not given in props, the "Choices" and "Categories" are automatically inherited from the AssessmentFunction.

Corresponding AssessmentFunction

  • "DragCategorize" is not an automatically assigned interface type for any AssessmentFunction. It must be specified in QuestionInterface.
  • The AssessmentFunction will receive answers in the form AssessmentFunction[][{ch1cat1,ch2cat2,}]. Any assessment that accepts values of this form is supported.
  • When it is acceptable for the user to leave choices uncategorized, a standard AssessmentFunction structure is:
  • AssessmentFunction[{patt1<|"Category"cat1|>,patt2<|"Category"cat2|>,},<|"ListAssessment""SeparatelyScoreElements"|>]


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Basic Examples  (3)

A drag-categorize question for sorting items into groups:

A drag-categorize question with assessment performed separately on each element and allowing elements to be left uncategorized:

Create a drag-categorize question without assessment:

Scope  (1)

A drag-categorize question with labels for choices:

Applications  (2)

Create a question generator for a drag-categorize question:

Create a QuestionGenerator for a chemistry test:

Possible Issues  (1)

By default, an AssessmentFunction does not expect a list of items:

Set "ListAssessment""SeparatelyScoreElements" to handle multiple items in the assessment:

Neat Examples  (1)

Create an English question: