ServiceExecute["PubChem","request",params] sends a request to the PubChem API, using parameters
params. The following give possible requests.
Compound Names
"CompoundDescription" — get the standard name for one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| Method | None | search method |
| "InterpretEntities" | False | interpret each result as a chemical Entity |
"CompoundSynonyms" — get other names for one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| Method | None | search method |
List of Compound-Related IDs
"CompoundSID" — get a list of all SubstanceIDs associated with one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| "SIDType" | None | "SubstanceID" type to return |
| Method | None | search method |
"CompoundAID" — get a list of all AssayIDs associated with one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| "AIDType" | None | "AssayID" type to return |
| Method | None | search method |
"CompoundCID" — get a list of all CompoundIDs associated with one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| "CIDType" | None | "CompoundID" type to return |
| Method | None | search method |
List of Compound Properties
"CompoundProperties" — returns properties associated with one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| "Property" | None | one or more properties in a List |
| Method | None | search method |
List of Compound Cross-References
"CompoundCrossReferences" — returns cross-references associated with one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| "CrossReference" | None | one or more cross-references in a List |
| Method | None | search method |
Compound Image
"CompoundImage" — get a 2D or 3D image of a single compound
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "ImageType" | "2D" | "2D" or "3D" |
| "ImageSize" | Large | Small or Large |
Compound SDF
"CompoundSDF" — get the SDF of a single compound
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
Only one type of identifier can be used as an input.
All Compound Records
"CompoundFullRecords" — get all the records of one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| "RecordType" | "2D" | "2D" or "3D" |
| Method | None | search method |
Compound Assay Summary
"CompoundAssaySummary" — get the assay summary for one or more compounds
| "CompoundID" | None | integer compound identifier(s) |
| "SMILES" | None | SMILES string(s) |
| "Name" | None | compound name(s) or chemical entities |
| "InChI" | None | InChI compound identifier(s) |
| "InChIKey" | None | InChIKey compound identifier(s) |
| "Formula" | None | molecular formula (only valid with "FormulaSearch" Method) |
| Method | None | search method |
Substance Similar Names
"SubstanceSynonyms" — get other names for one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
List of Substance-Related IDs
"SubstanceCID" — get a list of all CompoundIDs associated with one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
| "CIDType" | None | "CompoundID" type to return |
"SubstanceAID" — get a list of all AssayIDs associated with one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
| "AIDType" | None | "AssayID" type to return |
"SubstanceSID" — get a list of all SubstanceIDs associated with one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
| "SIDType" | None | "SubstanceID" type to return |
Substance Image
"SubstanceImage" — get a 2D or 3D image of the substance
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
| "ImageSize" | Large | either Small or Large |
Only one type of identifier can be used as an input.
Substance SDF
"SubstanceSDF" — get the SDF of a single substance
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
Only one type of identifier can be used as an input.
All Substance Records
"SubstanceFullRecords" — get all the records of one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
List of Substance Cross-References
"SubstanceCrossReferences" — returns cross-references associated with one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |
| "CrossReference" | None | one or more cross-references in a List |
Substance Assay Summary
"SubstanceAssaySummary" — get the assay summary for one or more substances
| "SubstanceID" | None | integer substance identifier(s) |
| "Name" | None | substance name(s) or chemical entities |