Install Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud on Amazon Web Services

This workflow is intended as a supplement to the Amazon Web Services documentation.

Request access to an EPC Amazon Machine Image

Send an email to the Private Cloud support team at containing:

your license number, which can be found in your User Portal
the Amazon Web Services region in which you wish to deploy your Amazon Machine Image

Our support team will share an Amazon Machine Image with the provided Amazon Web Services account within 24 hours. Once you have access to the image, you can begin the installation process.

Configure an Amazon Machine Image

Log into your account at From the AWS Management Console, open the EC2 Dashboard, and create and configure an instance of the Amazon Machine Image. We recommend selecting instance type c4.2 xlarge, although this can vary based on your needs:

Configure instance details

Check the box marked Protect against accidental termination:

  • You can use most default settings, but consult with your AWS administrator or contact Wolfram EPC Support if questions arise.

Add storage

Check the box marked Delete on Termination:

  • You can use most default settings, but consult with your AWS administrator or contact Wolfram EPC Support if questions arise.

Add tags

In order to identify your EPC instance, add a tag or tags:

Configure the security group

Configure a new security group:

  • Consult with your AWS administrator to find out if you may use an existing security group.

Review the configuration

After completing the configuration steps, check that you have properly configured your instance for your organization. If you are sure that the configuration is correct, click Launch to launch the EPC instance:

You can now access your EPC via SSH.