Set Up the Charity Engine Batch Computation Provider

Configure the Charity Engine service connection in order to submit batch jobs.

Create a submission environment

Using your Charity Engine authenticator key, create a RemoteBatchSubmissionEnvironment with which to submit jobs:

  • Consult the TemplateBox[{{Charity,  , Engine,  , website}, {URL[], None},, HyperlinkActionRecycled, {HyperlinkActive}, BaseStyle -> {Hyperlink}, HyperlinkAction -> Recycled}, HyperlinkTemplate] for information on signing up to submit jobs. You may have to contact Charity Engine in order to create an account and obtain an authenticator key.

Submit a job using the environment

Query the jobs status:

Download the jobs output:

  • For more information on submitting and manipulating jobs, see the reference page for the CharityEngine provider.