looks up an existing widget instance using identifier id and return the underlying object.
- To use WidgetReference, you first need to load GUIKit using Needs["GUIKit`"].
- WidgetReference is used to find an existing widget instance and return the underlying object; it never creates a new instance. It is most useful if you want to pass the object from a widget to another function.
- Other interface definition functions can assign names or identifiers to widgets to make them available for lookup.
基本范例 (1)
WidgetReference allows you to use a name to access the underlying object:
With the underlying object you can call methods that are not exposed as properties:
It is also possible to call a method of a named widget using InvokeMethod:
Wolfram Research (2007),WidgetReference,Wolfram 语言函数,https://reference.wolfram.com/language/GUIKit/ref/WidgetReference.html.
Wolfram 语言. 2007. "WidgetReference." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/GUIKit/ref/WidgetReference.html.
Wolfram 语言. (2007). WidgetReference. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 https://reference.wolfram.com/language/GUIKit/ref/WidgetReference.html 年