constrains tetrahedra volumes for refinement.
- To use TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes, you first need to load it using Needs["TetGenLink`"].
- TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes constrains the tetrahedra volume in a refinement of a TetGen instance.
基本范例 (1)
To use TetGenLink, it must first be loaded:
You start by specifying the coordinates and displaying them:
Then you create the input instance and set the points:
Next, the list of facets is created:
Set the facets in the input instance of TetGen:
Tetrahedralize the input with an area constraint:
To extract the faces and visualize them, you use TetGenGetFaces:
To compute the volume of each of the tetrahedra of the object, you write a support function first:
The volume of each tetrahedron can then be computed in the following manner:
The total volume can then be computed:
To refine some tetrahedra, choose a selection of coordinates. For example, all coordinates where the component is larger than 0.7:
The refinement elements are then found:
The tetrahedra that should keep their volume during refinement are the complement of all tetrahedra and the tetrahedra selected for refinement:
Each tetrahedron that is to be refined gets a new volume assigned. Those tetrahedra that should remain unchanged are assigned a :
Set a TetGen instance with the new tetrahedra volumes:
By specifying the string "r", the TetGen instance is refined. The string "a" implies that volume constraints are to be fulfilled:
To extract the refined faces and visualize them, you use TetGenGetFaces:
Wolfram Research (2012),TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes,Wolfram 语言函数,https://reference.wolfram.com/language/TetGenLink/ref/TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes.html.
Wolfram 语言. 2012. "TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/TetGenLink/ref/TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes.html.
Wolfram 语言. (2012). TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 https://reference.wolfram.com/language/TetGenLink/ref/TetGenSetTetrahedraVolumes.html 年