New in 10.0: Geographic Data & Computation

Maps & Cartography »

GeoGraphics create maps based on detailed worldwide geographic information

GeoListPlot plot points or regions on maps

GeoRegionValuePlot create geographic heat maps

GeoPosition a position on the Earth

GeoVisibleRegion  ▪  GeoVisibleRegionBoundary  ▪  DayNightTerminator  ▪  ...

GeoStyling styling for rendering any region ("OutlineMap", "StreetMap", "ReliefMap", ...)

GeoBackground  ▪  GeoZoomLevel  ▪  GeoScaleBar  ▪  ...

GeoProjection projection to use ("Mercator", "Equirectangular", "Robinson", ...)

GeoGridLines  ▪  GeoGridLinesStyle

Entity countries, cities, and other geographic entities, entered e.g. using

AdministrativeDivisionData  ▪  OceanData  ▪  ...

MountainData  ▪  BuildingData  ▪  AirportData  ▪  UniversityData  ▪  ...