WSTP C Functions for Exchanging Expressions

Basic Types »

WSPutInteger()  ▪  WSGetInteger()  ▪  WSPutDouble()  ▪  WSPutString()  ▪  ...

WSPutIntegerList()  ▪  WSPutIntegerArray()  ▪  WSPutByteArray()  ▪  ...

Sending Functions with Simple Heads

WSPutFunction() send the head of a function and its argument count

WSGetUCS2Function() get the head of a function as a UCS-2 string and its argument count

WSPutUTF16Function() send the head of a function as a UTF-16 string and its argument count

WSPutUTF32Function() send the head of a function as a UTF-32 string and its argument count

WSPutUTF8Function() send the head of a function as a UTF-8 string and its argument count

Getting Functions with Simple Heads

WSGetFunction() get the head of a function and its argument count

WSGetUCS2Function() get the head of a function as a UCS-2 string and its argument count

WSGetUTF16Function() get the head of a function as a UTF-16 string and its argument count

WSGetUTF32Function() get the head of a function as a UTF-32 string and its argument count

WSGetUTF8Function() get the head of a function as a UTF-8 string and its argument count

Testing Functions with Simple Heads

WSTestHead() check the head of a function and get its argument count

WSTestUCS2Head() check the head of a function as a UCS-2 string and get its argument count

WSTestUTF16Head() check the head of a function as a UTF-16 string and get its argument count

WSTestUTF32Head() check the head of a function as a UTF-32 string and get its argument count

WSTestUTF8Head() check the head of a function as a UTF-8 string and get its argument count

Testing Functions with Simple Heads and Arguments

WSTestHeadWithArgCount() check the head of a function and check its argument count

WSTestUCS2HeadWithArgCount() check the head of a function and check its argument count

WSTestUTF16HeadWithArgCount() check the head of a function and check its argument count

WSTestUTF32HeadWithArgCount() check the head of a function and check its argument count

WSTestUTF8HeadWithArgCount() check the head of a function and check its argument count

Symbols »

WSPutSymbol()  ▪  WSPutUCS2Symbol()  ▪  ...

WSGetSymbol()  ▪  WSGetUCS2Symbol()  ▪  ...

WSReleaseSymbol()  ▪  WSReleaseUCS2Symbol()  ▪  ...

Expression Packet Handling »

WSNextPacket()  ▪  WSNewPacket()  ▪  WSEndPacket()  ▪  ...

Low-Level Expression Operations

WSPutNext() prepare to put a specified type of expression on a link

WSGetNext() go to the next part of an expression and return its type

WSGetType() get the type of the current part of an expression

WSPutArgCount(), WSGetArgCount() numbers of arguments for a head

Expression Storage

WSLoopbackOpen() open a loopback link for expression storage

WSTransferExpression() move an entire expression from one link to another

WSTransferToEndOfLoopbackLink() transfer the entire contents of a loopback link

Low-Level Operations »

WSPutSize()  ▪  WSPutData()  ▪  WSGetData()  ▪  WSSeekMark()  ▪  ...