

gives an object representing the result of active classification obtained by using the function f to determine classes for the example configurations confi.


generates configurations within the region specified by reg.


generates configurations by applying the function sampler.


applies the function nsampler to successively generate configurations starting from one of the confi.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (3)

Train an ActiveClassificationObject[] to classify whether an integer is greater than 50:

Extract the resulting classifier:

Classify new examples:

Train a classification object with the domain defined by an interval:

Extract the classifier:

Classify new examples:

Train a classification object to classify whether a matrix is positive semidefinite, with the domain defined by a configuration generator:

Extract the classifier:

Classify new examples:

Scope  (2)

Define a piecewise function with three possible output values:

Train a classification object to classify the possible outputs from the function, with the domain defined by a configuration generator:

Obtain the list of object properties:

Obtain the history of explored configurations:

Obtain the classifiers trained during the active classification, along with their properties:

Obtain the final classifier:

Obtain the method used to choose configurations to add to the training set:

Obtain some other properties:

Display the performances of the classifiers trained during active classification:

Display the confusion matrix of the final classifier for a test set:

Define a function that checks whether a point belongs to a given region, then define a neighborhood configuration generator:

Train a classification object to classify whether a point is a member of a given region:

Display the confusion matrix of the classifier on a test set:

Options  (3)

InitialEvaluationHistory  (1)

Define a function that checks whether the ASCII character corresponding to an integer is a letter, then define a set of configurations:

Construct an initial training set:

Train a classification object to classify whether an integer corresponds to a letter by including the preceding information:

The examples in the first row in the training history now correspond to the initial training set:

MaxIterations  (1)

Train a classification object to classify whether a number in a given interval is positive:

Obtain the number of function evaluations:

Specify the maximum number of iterations:

Check the number of function evaluations now:

Method  (1)

Define a region composed of a number of subregions, and a function that tells whether the blood pressure corresponding to a point in the region is "Low", "Ideal" or "High":

Train a classification object by specifying the method:

The configurations are explored randomly, with the data generating distribution:

Specify a different method for active classification:

The algorithm now prefers to explore configurations near the boundaries where the model is more uncertain:

Specify the method as an association, choosing the evaluation strategy and the classification method:

Applications  (3)

Grade Classifier  (1)

Define a "grade function" that gives a letter grade corresponding to a real score between 0 and 10:

Train a classification object to classify letter grades, with the domain specified by a configuration generator:

Obtain the classifier:

Display the confusion matrix of the classifier on a test set:

Region Member Classifier  (1)

Construct a geometric region corresponding to the map of the USA:

Define a function that tells whether a point lies inside this region:

Train a classification object for this function:

Obtain the corresponding classifier:

Plot the configurations explored during training. The density is higher close to the region boundary:

Visualize the classification region:

Program Choice Classifier  (1)

Define two programs to compute the ManhattanDistance between two elements:

Define a function that selects the program that more quickly computes the ManhattanDistance between two elements constructed from the three integers:

Set the domain of the function via a configuration generator:

Train a classification object to classify which program is faster:

Obtain the classifier:

Display the accuracy and confusion matrix of the classifier on a test set:

Possible Issues  (1)

Specifying the domain of the function via a neighborhood configuration generator requires care.

Define a function that checks whether a point belongs to the unit rectangle, then define a neighborhood configuration generator:

Active classification may not work properly if the initial configuration and neighborhood configuration generator are not chosen properly:

Wolfram Research (2017), ActiveClassification, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2017).


Wolfram Research (2017), ActiveClassification, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2017).


Wolfram Language. 2017. "ActiveClassification." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2017.


Wolfram Language. (2017). ActiveClassification. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_activeclassification, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ActiveClassification}", year="2017", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_activeclassification, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ActiveClassification}, year={2017}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}