WSWaitForNewLinkFromLinkServer (C Function)
WSLINK WSWaitForNewLinkFromLinkServer(WSLinkServer s, int *err)
waits till link server s has a new connection.

- WSWaitForNewLinkFromLinkServer() waits synchronously for a client to connect to the link server object.
- WSWaitForNewLinkFromLinkServer() returns a WSLINK object representing the connection to the new link object.
- The program must call WSActivate() on the WSLINK object before any other link operations.
- If WSWaitForNewLinkFromLinkServer() encounters an error it will return the error value in err and return (WSLINK)0. The WSWaitForNewLInkFromLinkServer() succeeds, err will contain zero.
- The nonzero values that indicate an error condition correspond to the WSE error codes in wstp.h and as returned by WSError().
Basic Examples (1)
#include "wstp.h"
void operateLinkServerOnPort(WSENV env, unsigned short port)
int error;
WSLinkServer linkServer;
WSLINK theLink;
linkServer = WSNewLinkServerWithPort(env, port,
NULL /* No context object for this example */, &error);
if(error != WSEOK)
{ /* Handle error */ }
theLink = WSWaitForNewLinkFromLinkserver(linkServer, &error);
if(theLink == (WSLINK)0 || error != WSEOK)
{ /* Handle error */ }