"LeastRecentlyUsedCache" (Data Structure)


represents a fixed-size cache where the keys and values are general expressions.


  • A fixed-size cache table stores individual values that can be retrieved by the use of a key:
  • CreateDataStructure["LeastRecentlyUsedCache",capacity]create a new empty "LeastRecentlyUsedCache" for a total of capacity values
    CreateDataStructure["LeastRecentlyUsedCache",elems]create a new "LeastRecentlyUsedCache" containing elems
    Typed[x,"LeastRecentlyUsedCache"]give x the type "LeastRecentlyUsedCache"
  • For a data structure of type "LeastRecentlyUsedCache", the following operations can be used:
  • ds["Capacity"]the maximum number of key-value pairs that can be stored in dstime: O(1)
    ds["Copy"]return a copy of dstime: O(n)
    ds["EmptyQ"]return True if ds contains no key-value pairstime: O(1)
    ds["Insert",keyvalue]add key to ds with the associated value and return True if something was evicted from the cachetime: O(1)
    ds["KeyDrop",key]drop key and its value from ds time: O(1)
    ds["KeyDropAll"]drop all the keys and their values from ds time: O(n)
    ds["KeyExistsQ",key]True, if the key exists in dstime: O(1)
    ds["Keys"]return the keys in ds as a listtime: O(n)
    ds["Length"]the number of key-value pairs stored in dstime: O(1)
    ds["Lookup",key]return the value stored with key in ds and make this key the most recently used element; if the key is not found, return a Missing objecttime: O(1)
    ds["Lookup",key,defFun]return the value stored with key in ds and make this key the most recently used element; if the key is not found, return defFun[key]time: O(1)
    ds["Peek"]return the most recent value stored in dstime: O(1)
    ds["Peek",key]return the value stored with key in ds; do not make this key the most recently used elementtime: O(1)
    ds["RemoveOldest"]remove the oldest key-value pair in dstime: O(1)
    ds["Values"]return the values in ds as a listtime: O(n)
    ds["Visualization"]return a visualization of dstime: O(n)
  • The following functions are also supported:
  • dsi===dsjTrue, if dsi equals dsj
    FullForm[ds]full form of ds
    Information[ds]information about ds
    InputForm[ds]input form of ds
    Normal[ds]convert ds to a normal expression
  • When the "LeastRecentlyUsedCache" stores the maximum number of key-value pairs, any new insertions will cause the least recently used pairs to be evicted.


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Basic Examples  (2)

A new "LeastRecentlyUsedCache" can be created with CreateDataStructure:

The number of key-value pairs that are stored:

The maximum number of key-value pairs that can be stored:

Insert a key with a value:

There is one key stored:

Test if a key is present:

Look up a value:

When a key is not found, a Missing object is returned:

Store more elements in the cache and show them:

Look up a value:

The expression version shows the most recently used:

Insert another key with a value:

The expression version shows that a key-value pair was evicted from the cache:

A visualization of the "LeastRecentlyUsedCache" shows which is the most recently used key-value:

Scope  (1)

Information  (1)

A new "LeastRecentlyUsedCache" can be created with CreateDataStructure:

Information about the data structure ds: