相关诠释器 »主要的电影和电影系列.
给出由限定符 quali->vali 修改的指定属性的值.
表示实体类,其中 propi 的值由 speci 定义.
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Advisory rating advisory Cast cast CastAndRoles cast and roles Company company Director director DomesticBoxOfficeGross US box office total receipts DomesticDailyBoxOfficeChange US daily box office change in receipts DomesticDailyBoxOfficeGross US daily box office receipts DomesticDailyBoxOfficeRank US daily box office rank DomesticDailyCumulativeBoxOfficeGross total daily US box office receipts DomesticDailyNumberOfTheaters US daily number of screens DomesticDailyPerTheaterAverageGross US daily average receipts per screen DomesticWeekendBoxOfficeChange US weekend box office change in receipts DomesticWeekendBoxOfficeGross US weekend box office receipts DomesticWeekendBoxOfficeRank US weekend box office rank DomesticWeekendNumberOfTheaters US weekend number of screens DomesticWeekendPerTheaterAverageGross US weekend average receipts per screen DomesticWeeklyBoxOfficeGross US weekly box office receipts DomesticWeeklyCumulativeBoxOfficeGross total weekly US box office receipts EntityClasses entity classes EntityTypeList entity type list Genres genre HighestDailyAveragePerScreen highest daily average receipts per screen HighestDailyBoxOfficeChange best daily box office change in receipts HighestDailyBoxOfficeGross highest daily box office receipts HighestDailyRank highest daily rank HighestDailyScreens maximum daily number of screens HighestWeekendAveragePerScreen highest weekend average receipts per screen HighestWeekendBoxOfficeChange best weekend box office change in receipts HighestWeekendBoxOfficeGross highest weekend box office receipts HighestWeekendRank highest weekend box office rank HighestWeekendScreens maximum weekend number of screens HighestWeeklyBoxOfficeGross highest weekly US box office receipts Image image InternationalBoxOfficeGross international box office total receipts Language language MPAARating MPAA rating Name title Producers producer ProductionBudget production budget ReleaseDate release date Runtime runtime WorkingTitles working title WorldwideBoxOfficeGross worldwide box office total receipts Writers writer
- "Movie" 实体包括戏剧电影、直播视频制作和部分电视电影或迷你剧.
- "Movie" 实体类通常代表电影特许经营或系列,例如 James Bond 电影.
- 部分属性可用于作为整体的 "Movie" 实体类型,并可用 EntityValue["Movie",property] 格式给出,此类属性包括:
"Properties" 可用属性列表 "PropertyCanonicalNames" 可用属性的标准名称 "SampleEntities" 可用实体的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "SampleEntityClasses" 可用实体类的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "EntityCount" 可用实体的数目 "Entities" 可用实体的列表 "EntityCanonicalNames" 可用实体的标准名称 "EntityClasses" 可用实体类的列表 "EntityClassCanonicalNames" 可用实体类的标准名称 "PropertyClasses" 可用属性分类的列表 "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" 可用属性分类的标准名称 "PropertyCount" 可用属性的数目 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue["Movie",property,annotation] 的第三个参数中:
"Source" 属性的来源信息 "Date" 实体-属性值相关联的日期(若存在) "EntityAssociation" 实体和实体-属性值的关联 "PropertyAssociation" 属性和实体-属性值的关联 "EntityPropertyAssociation" 此关联中,指定实体是键,值为属性和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "PropertyEntityAssociation" 此关联中,指定属性是键,值为实体和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "Dataset" 此数据集,指定实体是键和值为属性名称和实体-属性值的关联 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue[property,annotation] 的第二个参数中:
"Qualifiers" 可用于属性的限定词列表 "QualifierValues" 可用于每个限定词的可用值列表 "DefaultQualifierValues" 属性限定词的默认值列表 "Description" 属性的简短文字描述 "Definition" 属性的详细文字定义 "PhysicalQuantity" 实体-属性值相关联的物理量 "Unit" 实体-属性值相关联的单位 - Automatic 的限定词值表示一个可适用的值的格式; 例如,对于 "Date" 的限定词,包括正确的日期或日期跨度.