Entity Types

Overview »
The Wolfram Language provides access to curated, computable data about millions of entities across hundreds of entity types. Wolfram Language entities represent physical entities as well as mathematical and other scientific concepts, and can be accessed via natural language input or programmatically retrieved and incorporated into complex computations. Custom and dynamic entity types can also be introduced, from external entity stores, relational databases, etc.
Working with Entities
) — specify an entity using natural language
Entity — symbolic representation of an entity
entity[property] — extract the value of a property for an entity
Geographic Entities
Country AdministrativeDivision City Neighborhood MetropolitanArea
ZIPCode USCongressionalDistrict DistrictCourt
Ocean Island UnderseaFeature Reef Beach Lake Mountain Volcano River Glacier Waterfall EarthImpact Desert Forest
Airport Park AmusementPark AmusementParkRide Stadium
Bridge Canal Tunnel Dam Mine Cave OilField Building Castle Cemetery HistoricalSite PreservationStatus ReserveLand Shipwreck
University SchoolDistrict PublicSchool PrivateSchool Museum LibrarySystem LibraryBranch
WeatherStation AstronomicalObservatory ParticleAccelerator NuclearReactor NuclearTestSite NuclearExplosion
CountryData, CityData — specialized access to data about countries, cities
Astronomical Entities
Planet PlanetaryMoon MinorPlanet Comet SolarSystemFeature MeteorShower Exoplanet
Star Galaxy StarCluster Nebula Supernova Pulsar AstronomicalRadioSource Constellation
Satellite Rocket DeepSpaceProbe MannedSpaceMission
Weather & Earth Science
WeatherStation TropicalStorm Cloud AtmosphericLayer
Earthquake GeologicalLayer GeologicalPeriod Mineral FamousGem
Engineering & Structures
FrequencyAllocation BroadcastStation MeasurementDevice
Building Bridge Tunnel Dam Mine
Dynamical Systems
Culture & Entertainment
Movie MusicAct MusicAlbum MusicAlbumRelease MusicWork MusicWorkRecording
BroadcastStation BroadcastStationClassification
Book Artwork Periodical FictionalCharacter
Museum LibraryBranch LibrarySystem
Activities & Hobbies
MusicalInstrument BoardGame PopularCurve
YogaPose YogaPosition YogaSequence YogaProp PilatesExercise
Financial — any named financial instrument
FinancialData — specialized access to data about stocks and other financial instruments
Food & Nutrition
BasicFoodGroup USDAFoodGroup FoodTypeGroup
FoodAlcoholLabel FoodCaffeineLabel FoodCalorieLabel FoodFiberLabel FoodFatLabel FoodIronLabel FoodSodiumLabel FoodSugarLabel
FoodBoneContent FoodSkinContent FoodSeedContent
FoodCrustType FoodFatType FoodGeometryType FoodPeelingType FoodProcessingType FoodServingType FoodStorageType FoodSugarType
FoodBeefGrade FoodMeatCut FoodMeatQuality FoodPattyCount
FoodBrandName FoodSubBrandName FoodManufacturer
FoodAge FoodComposition FoodConcentration FoodCulture FoodDataSource FoodFlavor FoodIntendedUse FoodLocation FoodMoistureLevel FoodNutritionalSupplement FoodNutritionalSupplementNotAdded FoodPackaging FoodPart FoodPreparation FoodSeafoodVariety FoodSize FoodState FoodTexture FoodTrimmingLevel FoodVariety FoodVegetablePart
People & Personal Attributes
HistoricalCountry HistoricalEvent HistoricalPeriod HistoricalSite Shipwreck
Linguistic Entities
WritingScript Alphabet Character Concept
WritingDirection WritingScriptBaseline WritingScriptType
Physical Sciences
Chemical Element Isotope Particle Mineral Laser
CrystalFamily CrystalSystem CrystallographicSpaceGroup
PhysicalSystem PhysicalConstant FamousPhysicsProblem FamousChemistryProblem
ChemicalData, ElementData — specialized access to data about chemicals
Life Sciences
Medical Entities
AnatomicalStructure AnimalAnatomicalStructure Neuron Disease MedicalTest Protein
AnatomicalFunctionalConcept AnatomicalTemporalConcept CognitiveTask
Organism Types
Plant Species Dinosaur DogBreed CatBreed
Mathematical & Computational Entities
Polyhedron Solid Lamina Surface SpaceCurve PlaneCurve
Lattice LatticeSystem PeriodicTiling NonperiodicTiling
MathematicalFunction IntegerSequence ContinuedFraction
FunctionSpace TopologicalSpaceType
FamousMathProblem FamousMathGame ComputationalComplexityClass
MathWorld ContinuedFractionResult ContinuedFractionSource FunctionalAnalysisSource
GeometricScene — notable theorems and constructions in computable form
Computing-Related Entities
FileFormat DisplayFormat NotableComputer
InternetDomain IPAddress NetworkService TopLevelDomain
ProgrammingLanguage WolframLanguageSymbol
Visual Entities
Icon Color ColorSet LightColor
Custom-Defined Entity Types »
EntityStore — local or remote entity store
EntityRegister — register a new base entity type
Dynamically Constructed Entity Classes »
FilteredEntityClass ▪ ExtendedEntityClass ▪ CombinedEntityClass ▪ ...