植物的分类和物理数据. 对于所有分类单元(包括动物、植物、真菌和其他微生物)的一般访问,请使用 TaxonomicSpecies 类型的实体. |
给出由限定符 quali->vali 修改的指定属性的值.
表示实体类,其中 propi 的值由 speci 定义.
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ActiveGrowthPeriod active growth period AdaptedToCoarseTexturedSoilsQ adapted to coarse textured soils AdaptedToFineTexturedSoilsQ adapted to fine textured soils AdaptedToMediumTexturedSoilsQ adapted to medium textured soils AfterHarvestRegrowthRate after harvest regrowth rate AlternateCommonNames alternate common names AlternateScientificNames alternate scientific names AnaerobicTolerance anaerobic tolerance AreaPerPlantRange area per plant range BerryNutSeedProductQ berry nut seed product BinomialAuthor binomial author Bloat bloat BloomPeriod reproductive period CalciumCarbonateTolerance calcium carbonate tolerance CarbonNitrogenRatio carbon nitrogen ratio ChristmasTreeProductQ christmas tree product ColdStratification cold stratification COLNameCode COL name code COLNumber COL number CommercialAvailability commercial availability CommonName common name CoppicePotentialQ coppice potential CountryList country distribution list DroughtTolerance drought tolerance Duration natural life cycle EntityClasses entity classes EntityTypeList entity type list FallConspicuousQ fall conspicuous FederalNoxiousStatus federal noxious status FederalTEStatus federal TE status FertilityRequirement fertility requirement FireResistantQ fire resistant FireTolerance fire tolerance FlowerColor flower color FlowerConspicuousQ flower conspicuous FodderProductQ fodder product FoliageColor foliage color FoliagePorositySummer foliage porosity summer FoliagePorosityWinter foliage porosity winter FoliageTexture foliage texture FruitColor fruit color FruitConspicuousQ fruit conspicuous FruitSeedAbundance fruit/seed abundance FruitSeedBeginPeriod fruit/seed begin period FruitSeedEndPeriod fruit/seed end period FuelwoodPotential fuelwood potential GerminationTemperature germination temperature GerminationTime germination time GrowthHabit growth form GrowthRate growth rate GrowthRequirementGroups soil texture requirements HedgeTolerance pruning tolerance Image image ITISTSN ITIS TSN KnownAllelopathQ known allelopath LeafRetentionQ leaf retention Lifespan lifespan LocalOccurrence natural occurrence LowGrowingGrassQ low growing grass LumberProductQ lumber product MatureHeight mature height MatureHeightBaseAgeMaximum maximum mature height at base age MaximumAreaPerPlant maximum area per plant MaximumpH maximum pH MaximumPlantingDensityPerAcre maximum planting density MaximumPrecipitation maximum precipitation MinimumAreaPerPlant minimum area per plant MinimumFrostFreeDays minimum frost free days MinimumpH minimum pH MinimumPlantingDensityPerAcre minimum planting density MinimumPrecipitation minimum precipitation MinimumRootDepth minimum root depth MinimumTemperature minimum tolerable temperature MoistureUse moisture use Name name NationalWetlandStatus national wetland status NavalStoreProductQ naval store product NitrogenFixation nitrogen fixation NumberOfSubEntities number of child taxa NurseryStockProductQ nursery stock product OptimalTemperatureRange optimal temperature range PalatableBrowseAnimal palatable to browsing animals PalatableGrazeAnimal palatable to grazing animals PalatableHuman human palatability PalatableHumanQ palatable to humans ParentEntity parent taxon PersistentFruitSeed fruit/seed persistence PHRange pH range PlantHardinessZone USDA hardiness zone PlantHeatZone AHS heat zone PlantingDensityPerAcreRange planting density range PostProductQ post product PrecipitationRange precipitation range PropagatedByBareRootQ propagated by bare root PropagatedByBulbsQ propagated by bulbs PropagatedByContainerQ propagated by container PropagatedByCormsQ propagated by corms PropagatedByCuttingsQ propagated by cuttings PropagatedBySeedQ propagated by seed PropagatedBySodQ propagated by sod PropagatedBySprigsQ propagated by sprigs PropagatedByTubersQ propagated by tubers ProteinPotential protein potential ProvinceList Canadian province distribution list PulpwoodProductQ pulpwood product QuadrinomialAuthor quadrinomial author RegionalWetlandStatus regional wetland status ReproductionGroups method of propagation ResproutAbilityQ resprout ability SalinityTolerance salinity tolerance ScientificName scientific name SeedlingVigor seedling vigor SeedsPerPound seed count SeedSpreadRate seed spread rate ShadeTolerance shade tolerance ShapeAndOrientation shape and orientation Siblings sibling taxa SmallGrain small grain StateList U.S. state distribution list SubEntities child taxa SuitabilityGroups uses Synonyms synonyms TaxonomicLevel taxonomic level TaxonomicSequence taxonomic sequence TaxonomyGraph taxonomy graph Toxicity toxicity TrinomialAuthor trinomial author USDAAcceptedSymbol USDA accepted symbol USDAClass USDA class USDADivision USDA division USDAFamily USDA family USDAForma USDA forma USDAGenus USDA genus USDAGeographicDistribution USDA geographic distribution USDAKingdom USDA kingdom USDAOrder USDA order USDASpecies USDA species USDASubclass USDA subclass USDASubdivision USDA subdivision USDASubkingdom USDA subkingdom USDASubspecies USDA subspecies USDASuperdivision USDA superdivision USDASymbol USDA symbol USDAVariety USDA variety VegetativeSpreadRate vegetative spread rate VeneerProductQ veneer product
- "Plant" 实体包括反映 USDA(美国农业部)报告公约的特定物种和高阶分类群.
- "Plant" 实体类包括分类级别,例如类和顺序,以及基于共享特征的分组,例如 USDA 抗寒区和 AHS 热区.
- 部分属性可用于作为整体的 "Plant" 实体类型,并可用 EntityValue["Plant",property] 格式给出,此类属性包括:
"Properties" 可用属性列表 "PropertyCanonicalNames" 可用属性的标准名称 "SampleEntities" 可用实体的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "SampleEntityClasses" 可用实体类的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "EntityCount" 可用实体的数目 "Entities" 可用实体的列表 "EntityCanonicalNames" 可用实体的标准名称 "EntityClasses" 可用实体类的列表 "EntityClassCanonicalNames" 可用实体类的标准名称 "PropertyClasses" 可用属性分类的列表 "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" 可用属性分类的标准名称 "PropertyCount" 可用属性的数目 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue["Plant",property,annotation] 的第三个参数中:
"Source" 属性的来源信息 "Date" 实体-属性值相关联的日期(若存在) "EntityAssociation" 实体和实体-属性值的关联 "PropertyAssociation" 属性和实体-属性值的关联 "EntityPropertyAssociation" 此关联中,指定实体是键,值为属性和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "PropertyEntityAssociation" 此关联中,指定属性是键,值为实体和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "Dataset" 此数据集,指定实体是键和值为属性名称和实体-属性值的关联 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue[property,annotation] 的第二个参数中:
"Qualifiers" 可用于属性的限定词列表 "QualifierValues" 可用于每个限定词的可用值列表 "DefaultQualifierValues" 属性限定词的默认值列表 "Description" 属性的简短文字描述 "Definition" 属性的详细文字定义 "PhysicalQuantity" 实体-属性值相关联的物理量 "Unit" 实体-属性值相关联的单位 - Automatic 的限定词值表示一个可适用的值的格式; 例如,对于 "Date" 的限定词,包括正确的日期或日期跨度.