"Real" (Interpreter Type)

Real number in a standard format.


  • "Real" can be used in Interpreter and related constructs, including deployed smart form fields.
  • Use of "Real" does not require connectivity to the Wolfram Cloud.

Allowed Forms

  • 1234integers
    -1234negative integers
    12.34real numbers
    12.45e45numbers in scientific notation
    1.2E-5numbers in scientific notation
    1.2345`2numbers with a given Precision
    1.2345``4numbers with a given Accuracy
    12,456integers with separators
    12,345.67real numbers with separators

Restriction Specifications




Basic Examples  (3)

Interpret real numbers:

Restrict in a range:

Set the precision:

Otherwise, $MachinePrecision is implied:

Use a different number point and/or block separator:

Set the precision:

Otherwise, $MachinePrecision is implied:

When the number contains a Precision or Accuracy, and a precision restriction is also specified, the lower of the two will be applied: