"ArXiv" (Service Connection)
Connect to the arXiv API using the Wolfram Language to search for electronic preprints in a variety of scientific disciplines.
Connecting & Authenticating
Search Articles
"Search" — search for articles and filter them by author, title, ID, etc.
"Query" | None | a general query string or list of rules defining filters on various fields ("All", "Title", "Author", "Abstract", "Comment", "JournalReference", "Category", "ReportNumber") | |
"ID" | None | a string ID or list of string IDs | |
MaxItems | 10 | maximum number of results to return | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index | |
"SortBy" | None | field to sort by ("DateUpdated", "DateSubmitted") | |
"SortOrder" | "Descending" | sort direction ("Ascending", "Descending") |
Either "Query" or "ID" parameters must be provided. If both are provided, each article in the "ID" parameter that matches "Query" will be returned.
Filter Articles by Field
"TitleSearch" — search for articles by title
"AuthorSearch" — search for articles by author
"AbstractSearch" — search for articles by abstract
"CommentSearch" — search for articles by comment
"JournalReferenceSearch" — search for articles by journal reference
"CategorySearch" — search for articles by subject category
"ReportNumberSearch" — search for articles by report number
"Query" | None | string or list of strings to search by | |
MaxItems | 10 | number of elements to return | |
"StartIndex" | 1 | start index | |
"SortBy" | None | field used for sorting ("DateUpdated", "DateSubmitted") | |
"SortOrder" | "Descending" | sorting direction used ("Ascending", "Descending") |
List of Categories
"CategoryList" — search for valid categories to use in "CategorySearch"
"Query" | All | query terms |
Notes & Issues
Basic Examples (1)
Create a new connection by launching an authentication dialog:
Search for articles using a simple query:
Search using fields and logic operators. In this case, articles that include "Gravitational" or "Atoms" in the title:
Search using a list of known article IDs: