Launching Wolfram

Starting in Version 14.1, the Wolfram application was introduced as the new way for users to access Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, Wolfram|One and Finance Platform. Previous versions of Mathematica, etc. are launched similarly as described below, except replacing instances of Wolfram with Mathematica.
Launching Mathematica Locally
To run Wolfram using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network, and MathLM must be running.
If you do not have a MathLM license server, you will need to activate your copy of Wolfram. Please see "Activating Mathematica" for more information.
Launch Wolfram
Alternatively, you can open an Explorer window, go to the Program Files\Wolfram Research\Wolfram\14.1 directory, and double-click the WolframNB icon.
Launch Only the Wolfram Kernel
Alternatively, you can open an Explorer window, go to the Program Files\Wolfram Research\Wolfram\14.1 directory, and double-click the WolframKernel icon.
To Launch the Wolfram Kernel inside a Command Prompt Window
Open a command prompt window and change directory to the top-level Wolfram installation directory. Type .\wolfram and press Enter.
Launch Wolfram
Double-click the Wolfram icon in the directory where Wolfram is installed. Alternatively, if you have placed the Wolfram icon in the dock, single-click the icon.
Launch Only the Wolfram Kernel
Open the Terminal application and type the full pathname of the WolframKernel binary in the window that appears. For example, if you installed Wolfram in the Applications folder, type /Applications/ in a Terminal window and press Return.
Launch Wolfram
Alternatively, if you are running X, an additional menu folder named Wolfram has already been added to the desktop menu. Inside the folder, an item named Wolfram {First[{}]} points to the most recently installed version of Wolfram. File associations have also been modified such that .nb files now associate with the most recently installed version of Wolfram.