is a query operator that yields a solution containing the variable "var" whose value is computed from the aggregate agg.
yields a solution containing multiple aggregates.
aggregates solutions grouped by the value of groupby.
includes only groups for which having evaluates to True.
orders groups by the value of orderby.
- A RightComposition of operators SPARQLSelect[…]/*…/*SPARQLAggregate[…]/*… can be used in SPARQLExecute to query a SPARQL endpoint. Composition is also supported.
- SPARQLAggregate[…] can be applied to the result of a SPARQLSelect query.
- In SPARQLAggregate["var"agg], agg is usually of the form SPARQLEvaluation["f"][u1,u2,…], where "f" is the name of a SPARQL aggregate function, and each ui is a SPARQLVariable whose associated values withing a solution group are supplied to the aggregate function.
- Named SPARQL aggregate functions include:
"COUNT" counts the number of elements in a group "SUM" totals the values of a group "MIN" returns the minimum value in a group "MAX" returns the maximum value in a group "AVG" returns the averag of the values in a group "GROUP_CONCAT" joins String values of a group "SAMPLE" returns an arbitrary value from the group - SPARQLEvaluation["GROUP_CONCAT"][var, "Separator" -> "sep"] can be used to join strings using separator "sep". The default separator is " " (space).
打开所有单元关闭所有单元Scope (4)
Compute the total of the values associated with key "x":
Aggregate after grouping by the value of key "y":
Filter groups by the mean of the values of key "x":
Order groups by a sample of the values of key "y" in descending order:
Data about works and composers:
Count the number of works by composer:
The same query using a SPARQL query string:
Specify a graph which contains multiple values per entity for property p1:
Obtain the data, taking for each entity the maximum value of property p1:
Generalizations & Extensions (1)
Wolfram Research (2019),SPARQLAggregate,Wolfram 语言函数,
Wolfram 语言. 2019. "SPARQLAggregate." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram 语言. (2019). SPARQLAggregate. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 年