.NET Types & Assemblies in the Wolfram Language
LoadNETType — load and set up a .NET type for use from the Wolfram Language
NETType — expression that represents a .NET type
LoadNETAssembly — load and set up a .NET assembly for use from the Wolfram Language
NETAssembly — expression that represents a .NET assembly
NETNew — create a .NET object of a specified type
MakeNETObject — create a .NET object that represents an expression
CastNETObject — cast the specified object to a different type
NETTypeInfo — information about types
NETObjectQ — whether an expression is a valid .NET object reference
InstanceOf — whether an object is an instance of a certain type or subtype
SameObjectQ — whether two NETObject expressions reference the same .NET object
LoadedNETObjects — list of all .NET objects in use
LoadedNETTypes, LoadedNETAssemblies — list of all .NET types or assemblies in use
ReturnAsNETObject — return an object reference instead of its value
NETObjectToExpression — convert an object reference into its value