converts the specified .NET object reference into its value as a "native" Wolfram Language expression.
Details and Options
- To use NETObjectToExpression, you first need to load .NET/Link using Needs["NETLink`"].
- Most .NET objects that have a meaningful "by value" representation in the Wolfram Language are returned by value to the Wolfram Language automatically. Such objects include strings, arrays (which become lists), and so-called "boxed" values like System.Int32.
- To get a reference form of one of these types, use NETNew or ReturnAsNETObject. In such cases, you can use NETObjectToExpression to retrieve the value.
- NETObjectToExpression also converts into values some types that are normally sent by reference, such as converting
objects to integer values and collections into lists.
- NETObjectToExpression has no effect on object references that have no meaningful "by value" representation in the Wolfram Language.