Video Analysis

Overview »
Video analysis is the process of automatically extracting information and insight from videos. Typical examples include detecting, recognizing and tracking objects, often with deep understanding of objects such as faces and text or comprehensive understanding of the video by converting speech to text or classifying scenes and actions. Together with a complete suite of high-level image and audio analysis functions and tightly integrated with machine learning and neural networks, Wolfram Language enables customizable workflows for analyzing videos from different areas.
Video Visualization
VideoSummaryPlot — plot a summary of a video
HighlightVideo — highlight detected features or tracked objects
AudioPlot ▪ Spectrogram ▪ VideoFrameList
Object Detection & Recognition
FindFaces — find faces in video frames
ImageBoundingBoxes — find objects in video frames
ImagePosition ▪ ImageCases ▪ ImageContents ▪ ImageContainsQ ▪ TextRecognize ▪ FindImageText ▪ BarcodeRecognize ▪ FacialFeatures
Object Tracking
VideoObjectTracking — track objects in a video
ObjectTrackingData ▪ ImageDisplacements ▪ ImageFeatureTrack
Machine Learning & Neural Networks »
"VideoFrames" — video frames net encoder
FeatureExtract ▪ FeatureSpacePlot ▪ NetModel ▪ NetTrain ▪ ...
Models from the Wolfram Neural Net Repository »
"FastDVDNet Trained on DAVIS Data" (video denoising) ▪ "3D-Inflated ResNet-50 Trained on Kinetics 400 Data" (action recognition) ▪ "ColorNet Image Colorization Trained on ImageNet Competition Data" (colorize frames) ▪ …
Frame-by-Frame Analysis
VideoIntervals — find video intervals of interest
VideoMapTimeSeries ▪ VideoMapList
Frame-by-Frame Segmentation
ImageSegmentationComponents — find high-level segments in video frames
MorphologicalComponents — find connected components in video frames
ClusteringComponents ▪ WatershedComponents ▪ GrowCutComponents ▪ ImageForestingComponents
Frame-by-Frame Feature Detection
ImageCorners — find corner points in video frames
ImageKeypoints ▪ ImageLines ▪ FindImageShapes
Audio Visualization
AudioPlot — waveform plot of audio
Spectrogram ▪ Periodogram ▪ Cepstrogram
Audio Analysis »
AudioIntervals — return intervals of silence, audio, etc.
AudioMeasurements ▪ AudioLocalMeasurements ▪ ShortTimeFourier ▪ ...