
For general access to the Wolfram Knowledgebase, use entities of type Pulsar instead of PulsarData.


gives the value of the specified property for the pulsar entity.


gives a list of property values for the specified pulsar entities.


gives the specified annotation associated with the given property.


  • PulsarData[] gives a list of all pulsar entities.
  • PulsarData["Properties"] gives a list of available properties.
  • The specified entity in PulsarData can be an Entity, EntityClass, entity canonical name, or list thereof.
  • The specified property can be an EntityProperty, EntityPropertyClass, property canonical name, or list of properties.
  • Properties that do not apply or are not known in a particular case are indicated by Missing[].
  • Properties include:
  • "AlphanumericName"alphanumeric name
    "AlternateNames"alternate names
    "AltitudeMaximum"next maximum altitude
    "AltitudeTransit"next transit altitude
    "ApparentAltitude"apparent altitude
    "AzimuthRise"azimuth at rise
    "AzimuthSet"azimuth at set
    "BarycentricPeriodDerivative"rotation period derivative
    "BarycentricRotationFrequency"barycentric rotation frequency
    "BarycentricRotationFrequencyDerivative"barycentric rotation frequency derivative
    "BarycentricRotationFrequencyDerivative2"barycentric rotation frequency second derivative
    "BinaryPeriod"binary period
    "BooleanRise"above the horizon
    "CorrectedPeriodDerivative"corrected period derivative
    "DailyTimeAboveHorizon"daily time above horizon
    "DiscoveryYear"discovery year
    "DispersionMeasure"dispersion measure
    "DispersionMeasureDerivative"dispersion measure derivative
    "DistanceFromEarth"distance from Earth
    "DistanceFromSun"distance from Sun
    "DMSinb"dispersion measure times sin(b)
    "Eccentricity"orbital eccentricity
    "EccentricityTimesCosPeriastronLongitude"eccentricity times cos(periastron longitude)
    "EccentricityTimesSinPeriastronLongitude"eccentricity times sin(periastron longitude)
    "EnergyFluxAtSun"energy flux measured at Earth
    "EquatorialAngularVelocity"equatorial angular velocity
    "EquatorialFrequency"equatorial frequency
    "GalacticLatitude"galactic latitude
    "GalacticLongitude"galactic longitude
    "GeocentricEclipticLatitude"geocentric ecliptic latitude
    "GeocentricEclipticLongitude"geocentric ecliptic longitude
    "GlitchCount"glitch count
    "GreenwichHourAngle"Greenwich hour angle
    "HeliocentricEclipticLatitude"heliocentric ecliptic latitude
    "HeliocentricEclipticLongitude"heliocentric ecliptic longitude
    "HelioCoordinates"heliocentric XYZ coordinates
    "LocalHourAngle"local hour angle
    "MagneticFieldAtLightCylinder"magnetic field at light cylinder
    "MaximalAltitudeTime"next maximum altitude time
    "MeanFluxDensityFourHundredMHz"mean flux density at 400 MHz
    "MeanFluxDensityFourteenHundredMHz"mean flux density at 1400 MHz
    "MeasuredSpectralIndex"measured spectral index
    "MedianCompanionMass"median companion mass
    "MinimumCompanionMass"minimum companion mass
    "PeriastronLongitude"periastron longitude
    "PeriodSound"sound representing the rotation period
    "ProjectedSemimajorAxisLightSeconds"projected semimajor axis
    "ProperMotion"proper motion
    "ProperMotionDeclination"proper motion declination
    "ProperMotionRightAscension"proper motion right ascension
    "PulsarType"pulsar type
    "PulseWidthFiftyPercentPeak"pulse width at 50% peak
    "PulseWidthTenPercentPeak"pulse width at 10% peak
    "RadioLuminosityFourHundredMHz"radio luminosity 400 MHz
    "RadioLuminosityFourteenHundredMHz"radio luminosity 1400 MHz
    "RightAscension"right ascension
    "RiseTime"next rise
    "RotationMeasure"rotation measure
    "RotationPeriod"rotation period
    "SetTime"next set
    "SiderealHourAngle"sidereal hour angle
    "SpinDownAge"spin-down age
    "SpinDownAgeFromCorrectedPeriodDerivative"spin-down age corrected for proper motion
    "SpinDownEnergyLossRate"spin-down energy loss rate
    "SunElongation"elongation from the Sun
    "SurfaceMagneticDipoleFromCorrectedPeriodDerivative"surface magnetic flux density corrected for proper motion
    "SurfaceMagneticFluxDensity"surface magnetic flux density
    "TemporalBroadening"temporal broadening
    "TransitTime"next transit time
    "TransverseVelocity"transverse velocity
  • Some properties are available for PulsarData as a whole and can be given using the form PulsarData[property]. Such properties include:
  • "Entities"all available entities
    "EntityCount"total number of available entities
    "Classes"all available entity classes
    "EntityClassCount"total number of available entity classes
    "SampleEntities"list of sample entities
    "SampleEntityClasses"list of sample entity classes
    "EntityCanonicalNames"list of all entity canonical names
    "PropertyCanonicalNames"list of all property canonical names
    "EntityClassCanonicalNames"list of all entity class canonical names
    "RandomEntities"pseudorandom sample entities
    {"RandomEntities",n}n pseudorandom entities
    "RandomEntityClasses"pseudorandom sample entity classes
    {"RandomEntityClasses",n}n pseudorandom entity classes
  • The following annotations can be used in the third argument of PulsarData[entity,property,annotation]:
  • "Qualifiers"the list of possible qualifiers for the property
    "QualifierValues"the list of possible values that can be given to each qualifier
    "DefaultQualifierValues"the list of default values for the property's qualifiers
    "Description"a brief textual description of the property
    "Definition"a detailed textual definition of the property
    "Source"source information for the property
    "Date"the date associated with the entity-property value (if any)
    "PhysicalQuantity"the physical quantity associated with the entity-property value
    "Unit"the unit associated with the entity-property value
    "EntityAssociation"an association of entities and entity-property values
    "PropertyAssociation"an association of properties and entity-property values
  • If a function is provided as an annotation, it will be used to aggregate the result data. Typical aggregation functions include:
  • Minthe minimum value
    Maxthe maximum value
    Meanthe mean value
    Commonestthe most frequently occurring value
    Medianthe median value
    Totalreturn the total
    Lengththe number of elements


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Basic Examples  (4)

Use for discovery:

Determine the distance to a pulsar:

Find the equatorial coordinates of a pulsar:

Find the current sky position of a pulsar from your location:

Scope  (2)

Date qualifiers can accept an explicit DateObject or queries that evaluate to a DateObject:

Date qualifiers can also be specified using Dated:

Location qualifiers can accept an explicit GeoPosition, location-based Entity objects, or queries that evaluate to one of these:

Wolfram Research (2014), PulsarData, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PulsarData.html.


Wolfram Research (2014), PulsarData, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PulsarData.html.


Wolfram Language. 2014. "PulsarData." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PulsarData.html.


Wolfram Language. (2014). PulsarData. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PulsarData.html


@misc{reference.wolfram_2025_pulsardata, author="Wolfram Research", title="{PulsarData}", year="2014", howpublished="\url{https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PulsarData.html}", note=[Accessed: 29-March-2025 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2025_pulsardata, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={PulsarData}, year={2014}, url={https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PulsarData.html}, note=[Accessed: 29-March-2025 ]}