

gives a count of the number of times "sub" appears as a substring of "string".


gives the number of substrings in "string" that match the general string expression patt.


counts the number of occurrences of any of the patti.


gives the list of results for each of the si.

Details and Options

  • The string expression patt can contain any of the objects specified in the notes for StringExpression.
  • With the default option setting Overlaps->False, overlapping substrings are not treated as separate. With the setting Overlaps->True, StringCount counts substrings that overlap as separate.
  • With Overlaps->All, multiple substrings that match the same string expression are all counted as separate. With Overlaps->True, only the first such matching substring at a given position is counted as separate.
  • Setting the option IgnoreCase->True makes StringCount treat lowercase and uppercase letters as equivalent.
  • StringCount["string",RegularExpression["regex"]] gives the number of substrings matching the specified regular expression.
  • StringCount[BioSequence["type","seq"],patt] counts the matches of patt in the string "seq". In this case, degenerate letters in patt are interpreted as wildcard patterns based on the type of biomolecular sequence. Use Verbatim["patt"] to match degenerate letters literally.
  • The documentation for BioSequence lists the degenerate letters supported by each type of biomolecular sequence.
  • If the biomolecular sequence operated upon by StringCount is circular, wraparound matches are possible.


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Basic Examples  (2)

The number of occurrences of "bb" in the string "abbaabbaa":

Count the number of substrings of the form "axc" for different x characters:

Scope  (8)

Use string patterns:

Regular expressions:

Mixed regular expressions and string patterns:

Count occurrences of either substrings:

StringCount automatically threads over lists of strings:

Count codon-length subsequences in a DNA sequence:

Use a wildcard in the pattern counted in a given biomolecular sequence:

The "Y" is a degenerate letter and not a wildcard except in biomolecular sequences:

Additional wraparound matches may be found in circular biomolecular sequences:

Count only literal degenerate letter occurrences using Verbatim:

Options  (3)

IgnoreCase  (1)

The number of occurrences of "a" in "abAB":

Ignore case:

Overlaps  (2)

All substrings in "the cat in the hat" starting and ending with "t":

StringCount does not include overlaps by default:

This includes the overlaps:

This includes overlaps starting at the same position:

Count subsequences in a circular DNA sequence:

Allow overlaps between the subsequences:

Applications  (3)

A 10-million-base random DNA string:

The number of sequences with adenine symmetrically placed:

Find how many words occur in the US Constitution:

The number of occurrences of the word "president":

All strings made of two characters with length 4 and which overlap themselves:

Properties & Relations  (1)

StringCount gives the number of matching substrings:

The length of matching substrings obtained from StringCases:

Wolfram Research (2004), StringCount, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2020).


Wolfram Research (2004), StringCount, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2020).


Wolfram Language. 2004. "StringCount." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2020.


Wolfram Language. (2004). StringCount. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_stringcount, author="Wolfram Research", title="{StringCount}", year="2020", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_stringcount, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={StringCount}, year={2020}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}