Details and Options

- UpperTriangularMatrixQ[m,k] works even if m is not a square matrix.
- In UpperTriangularMatrixQ[m,k], positive k refers to superdiagonals above the main diagonal and negative k refers to subdiagonals below the main diagonal.
- UpperTriangularMatrixQ works with SparseArray and structured array objects.
- For approximate matrices, the option Tolerance->t can be used to indicate that all entries Abs[mij]≤t are taken to be zero.
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (12)
Basic Uses (8)
The matrix is upper triangular when c=0:
Test if a real machine-number matrix is upper triangular:
Test an arbitrary-precision matrix:
Test if matrices have nonzero entries starting from a particular superdiagonal:
Note that this matrix is upper triangular:
Test if matrices have nonzero entries starting from a particular subdiagonal:
Options (1)
Tolerance (1)
This matrix is not upper triangular:
Add the Tolerance option to consider numbers smaller than 10-12 to be zero:
Applications (3)
LUDecomposition decomposes a matrix as a product of upper‐ and lower‐triangular matrices, returned as a triple {lu,perm,cond}:
Form the canonical matrices l and u from the composite matrix lu:
Verify that l and u are lower and upper triangular, respectively:
Reconstruct the original matrix as a permutation of the product of l and u:
SchurDecomposition gives a 2×2-block upper-triangular matrix:
Verify this matrix is upper triangular starting from the first subdiagonal:
JordanDecomposition relates any matrix to an upper-triangular matrix via a similarity transformation :
Verify that the Jordan matrix is upper triangular and similar to the original matrix:
The matrix is diagonalizable iff its Jordan matrix
is also lower triangular:
Properties & Relations (12)
UpperTriangularMatrixQ returns False for inputs that are not matrices:
Matrices of dimensions {n,0} are upper triangular:
UpperTriangularize returns matrices that are UpperTriangularMatrixQ:
The inverse of an upper-triangular matrix is upper triangular:
This extends to arbitrary powers and functions:
The product of two (or more) upper-triangular matrices is upper triangular:
The determinant of a triangular matrix equals the product of the diagonal entries:
Eigenvalues of a triangular matrix equal its diagonal elements:
UpperTriangularMatrixQ[m,0] is equivalent to UpperTriangularMatrixQ[m]:
QRDecomposition gives an upper triangular matrix:
CholeskyDecomposition gives an upper triangular matrix:
HessenbergDecomposition returns a matrix that is upper triangular with an added subdiagonal:
A matrix is upper triangular starting at diagonal iff its transpose is lower triangular starting at diagonal
Wolfram Research (2019), UpperTriangularMatrixQ, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/UpperTriangularMatrixQ.html.
Wolfram Language. 2019. "UpperTriangularMatrixQ." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/UpperTriangularMatrixQ.html.
Wolfram Language. (2019). UpperTriangularMatrixQ. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/UpperTriangularMatrixQ.html