

gives the specified property for the English word "word".


gives a list of full word specifications representing possible uses and senses of "word".


gives a property for a particular word specification.


  • A particular use or sense of a word can be represented by a word specification of the form {"word","part","sense"}, where "part" is a part of speech and "sense" is a sense tag.
  • Words that occur only in one sense can be specified just by "word". Words that occur only in one sense as a given part of speech can be specified by {"word","part"}.
  • In WordData, ordinary words are capitalized as they would be within a sentence (such as "word" or "America").
  • Some multiword phrases (such as "a priori") can be used and are treated like single words.
  • Parts of speech include "Noun", "Verb", "Adjective", "Adverb", as well as "Preposition", "Determiner", etc.
  • Sense tags are capitalized like Wolfram Language names.
  • WordData[] gives a list of all words and phrases available in WordData.
  • For properties that depend on the use or sense of a word, WordData[wordspec,"property"] gives a list of rules for each use and sense of a word consistent with wordspec.
  • WordData[wordspec,"property","form"] yields results in the following forms:
  • "List"a single list of results for all word specifications
    "Rules"a list of word specifications for each word specification
    "ShortRules"a list of word results for each word specification
  • Basic grammatical properties of words include:
  • "PartsOfSpeech"possible parts of speech for a word
  • WordData[All,"part"] gives all words of a given part of speech. WordData[All,"Stopwords"] gives a list of words typically ignored in text comparisons. WordData[All,"PartsOfSpeech"] gives a list of parts of speech.
  • WordData[patt,"Lookup"] gives a list of all available words matching the string pattern patt.
  • Basic meaning-related properties of words include:
  • "Antonyms"words with an opposite meaning (e.g. "large" from "small")
    "BroaderTerms"generalizations of a word (e.g. "shape" from "circle")
    "Definitions"definitions for a word
    "Examples"examples of the word in use
    "NarrowerTerms"specializations of a word (e.g. "circle" from "shape")
    "Synonyms"words with the same meaning (e.g. "large" from "big")
  • Properties describing usage characteristics for words include:
  • "ConceptWeight"rough estimate of semantic importance
    "GeographicDomain"geographic region to which the word relates (e.g. "India")
    "UsageField"field or category in which the word is used (e.g. "Law")
    "UsageType"type of word usage (e.g. "Slang", "Archaism")
  • Lexical properties of words include:
  • "Hyphenation"hyphenation blocks in a word
    "PhoneticForm"IPA phonetic representation
  • Morphological properties for words include:
  • "BaseForm"base uninflected form of a word (e.g. "large" from "larger")
    "InflectedForms"inflected forms of a word (e.g. "went" from "go")
    "MorphologicalDerivatives"words that are morphologically derived from a word
    "MorphologicalSource"word from which a word is morphologically derived
    "PorterStem"Porter-stemmed form of word
  • Special properties for nouns include:
  • "CompositeTerms"entities made from a material (e.g. "brass" from "copper")
    "DerivedAdjectives"derived adjectives (e.g. "American" from "America")
    "MaterialTerms"terms for constituent material (e.g. "copper" from "brass")
    "PartTerms"terms for parts (e.g. "finger" from "hand")
    "SubsetTerms"terms for subsets (e.g. "Arthropoda" from "Animalia")
    "SupersetTerms"terms for supersets (e.g. "Animalia" from "Arthropoda")
    "WholeTerms"terms for wholes (e.g. "hand" from "finger")
  • Special properties for verbs include:
  • "CausesTerms"verbs for causes (e.g. "kill" from "die")
    "ConsequencesTerms"verbs for consequences (e.g. "die" from "kill")
    "EntailedTerms"verbs for entailed actions (e.g. "step" from "walk")
    "SentenceFrames"ways that the verb can appear in phrases
  • Special properties for adjectives include:
  • "BaseNoun"noun the adjective is derived from (e.g. "handy" from "hand")
    "DerivedAdverb"derived adverb (e.g. "quickly" from "quick")
  • Special properties for adverbs include:
  • "BaseAdjective"adjective the adverb is derived from (e.g. "quick" for "quickly")
  • Word labeling properties include:
  • "WordNetID"WordNet synset IDs for a word
  • WordData[wordspec,"property","ann"] gives various annotations associated with a property. Typical annotations include:
  • "Description"a textual description of the property
    "Note"special note about the property given
  • WordData[All,"Properties"] gives all properties supported by WordData.
  • Using WordData may require internet connectivity.


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Basic Examples  (6)

The several senses of the word "fish":

Parts of speech:



Broader terms:

Inflected forms:

Scope  (29)

Word Identification  (5)

Inflected forms are canonicalized:

See all senses for "fish":

All senses for "fish" as a noun:

Narrower terms for "fish" as a food:

Look up words that begin with "fishe":

Structure of Results  (3)

Give senses of "group" together with synonyms:

Give a list of synonyms, without specifying senses of "group":

Give the sense for each synonym:

Meaning-Related Properties  (6)

Usage examples:

Usage Characteristics  (2)

Rough a priori estimates of likelihoods of reaching different senses of "fish":

Convert to and from British spelling:

Lexical & Morphological Properties  (4)

Syllables of "parallelogram":

Phonetic form of "parallel":

Stem a word:

Inflected forms of "be":

Words Derived from Others  (5)

Things that contain a tail:

Parts of a tail:

Adjectives derived from a sense of the word "tail":

Terms for what water is made of:

Strict subset and superset terms:

Classes of Words  (4)

Total number of words and phrases in WordData:

All supported parts of speech:

Number of verbs in WordData:

List of conjunctions in WordData:

Generalizations & Extensions  (1)

Porter stems can be found even for "words" that do not occur in English:

Applications  (14)

List the senses of a word:

Find which parts of speech words in a sentence can be:

Find entities that can have a part named a "head":

Find which words can be reached by up to three steps of synonym relation from "fish":

Compute the growth in the number of reached words:

Some words reach fixed points:

Find words with successively broader meanings:

Find the growth in the number of distinct words reached:

Find words that end in "ough":

Find their pronunciations:

Find the distribution of numbers of hyphenation blocks (roughly syllables) for words in English:

Make a table of definitions for a word:

Make a two-step synonym network for the word "tree":

Make a five-step synonym network for "tree":

Find the shortest versions of a phrase based on synonyms for its constituent words:

Convert a sentence from British to American spelling:

Find all antonym pairs in English where both words are less than four letters long:

Find 10 random adjectives in English:

Properties & Relations  (2)

Find the total number of distinct words currently in WordData:

Synonyms for a particular sense are commutative:

Possible Issues  (2)

WordData covers words and phrases that are not in DictionaryLookup:

Some words in WordData are considered too obscure for DictionaryLookup:

Neat Examples  (7)

Find the distribution of the number of words in WordData with a given number of meanings:

Find the number of meanings attributed to single capital letters:

Find which words in the WordData collection have the most possible meanings:

Find the number of meanings of each word:

Find how many words in the WordData collection can act as each possible part of speech:

Find which words occur as the maximum number of different parts of speech:

Find the moving average of the number of word senses in the Declaration of Independence:

Find the network of causal relationships between verbs:

Wolfram Research (2007), WordData, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/WordData.html.


Wolfram Research (2007), WordData, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/WordData.html.


Wolfram Language. 2007. "WordData." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/WordData.html.


Wolfram Language. (2007). WordData. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/WordData.html


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@online{reference.wolfram_2024_worddata, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={WordData}, year={2007}, url={https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/WordData.html}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}