Foods from many countries and cultures, including raw ingredients, packaged foods and restaurant items.
gives the value of a specified property.
gives the value of a list of properties.
gives the value of a specified property modified by qualifier rules quali->vali.
represents a class of entities with values of propi defined by speci.
Sample Entities

AddedFoods added foods AddedFoodTypeGroups added food type groups AddedFoodTypes added food types Age age AlanineContentPerItem alanine content per typical item size AlanineContentPerServing alanine content per typical serving size AlcoholCaloriesContentPerItem alcohol calorie content per typical item size AlcoholCaloriesContentPerServing alcohol calorie content per typical serving size AlcoholContentPerItem alcohol content per typical item size AlcoholContentPerServing alcohol content per typical serving size AlcoholLabel alcohol label AlcoholProof alcohol proof AlphaCaroteneContentPerItem alpha carotene content per typical item size AlphaCaroteneContentPerServing alpha carotene content per typical serving size AlphaLinolenicAcidCisCisCisContentPerItem alpha linolenic acid cis cis cis content per typical item size AlphaLinolenicAcidCisCisCisContentPerServing alpha linolenic acid cis cis cis content per typical serving size AlphaLinolenicAcidContentPerItem alpha-linolenic acid content per typical item size AlphaLinolenicAcidContentPerServing alpha-linolenic acid content per typical serving size AlphaTocotrienolContentPerItem alpha tocotrienol content per typical item size AlphaTocotrienolContentPerServing alpha tocotrienol content per typical serving size ApproximatepH approximate pH ApproximateShape approximate shape ArachidicAcidContentPerItem arachidic acid content per typical item size ArachidicAcidContentPerServing arachidic acid content per typical serving size ArachidonicAcidContentPerItem arachidonic acid content per typical item size ArachidonicAcidContentPerServing arachidonic acid content per typical serving size ArginineContentPerItem arginine content per typical item size ArginineContentPerServing arginine content per typical serving size ArsenicContentPerItem arsenic content per typical item size ArsenicContentPerServing arsenic content per typical serving size AshContentPerItem ash content per typical item size AshContentPerServing ash content per typical serving size AsparticAcidContentPerItem aspartic acid content per typical item size AsparticAcidContentPerServing aspartic acid content per typical serving size AvailableAminoAcids available amino acids AvailableCarbohydrates available carbohydrates AvailableDietarySupplements available dietary supplements AvailableFats available fats AvailableFibers available fibers AvailableMinerals available minerals AvailableProximates available proximates AvailableSterols available sterols AvailableVitamins available vitamins BasicFoodGroups basic food groups BeefGrade beef grade BehenicAcidContentPerItem behenic acid content per typical item size BehenicAcidContentPerServing behenic acid content per typical serving size BetaCaroteneContentPerItem beta carotene content per typical item size BetaCaroteneContentPerServing beta carotene content per typical serving size BetaCryptoxanthinContentPerItem beta cryptoxanthin content per typical item size BetaCryptoxanthinContentPerServing beta cryptoxanthin content per typical serving size BetaineContentPerItem betaine content per typical item size BetaineContentPerServing betaine content per typical serving size BetaSitosterolContentPerItem beta sitosterol content per typical item size BetaSitosterolContentPerServing beta sitosterol content per typical serving size BetaTocopherolContentPerItem beta tocopherol content per typical item size BetaTocopherolContentPerServing beta tocopherol content per typical serving size BetaTocotrienolContentPerItem beta tocotrienol content per typical item size BetaTocotrienolContentPerServing beta tocotrienol content per typical serving size BiotinContentPerItem biotin content per typical item size BiotinContentPerServing biotin content per typical serving size BiotinDailyValuePercent biotin daily value percent BoneContent bone content BoronContentPerItem boron content per typical item size BoronContentPerServing boron content per typical serving size BrandName brand name ButyricAcidContentPerItem butyric acid content per typical item size ButyricAcidContentPerServing butyric acid content per typical serving size CaffeineContentPerItem caffeine content per typical item size CaffeineContentPerServing caffeine content per typical serving size CaffeineLabel caffeine label CalciumContentPerItem calcium content per typical item size CalciumContentPerServing calcium content per typical serving size CalciumDailyValuePercent calcium daily value percent CalorieLabel calorie label CampesterolContentPerItem campesterol content per typical item size CampesterolContentPerServing campesterol content per typical serving size CapricAcidContentPerItem capric acid content per typical item size CapricAcidContentPerServing capric acid content per typical serving size CaproicAcidContentPerItem caproic acid content per typical item size CaproicAcidContentPerServing caproic acid content per typical serving size CaprylicAcidContentPerItem caprylic acid content per typical item size CaprylicAcidContentPerServing caprylic acid content per typical serving size CarbohydrateCalorieFactor carbohydrate-calorie factor CarbohydrateCaloriesContentPerItem carbohydrate calories per typical item size CarbohydrateCaloriesContentPerServing carbohydrate calories per typical serving size CategoricalPropertyValues categorical property values ChlorideContentPerItem chloride content per typical item size ChlorideContentPerServing chloride content per typical serving size ChlorideDailyValuePercent chloride daily value percent CholesterolContentPerItem cholesterol content per typical item size CholesterolContentPerServing cholesterol content per typical serving size CholesterolDailyValuePercent cholesterol daily value percent CholineContentPerItem choline content per typical item size CholineContentPerServing choline content per typical serving size ChromiumContentPerItem chromium content per typical item size ChromiumContentPerServing chromium content per typical serving size ChromiumDailyValuePercent chromium daily value percent CisHexadecenoicAcidContentPerItem cis hexadecenoic acid content per typical item size CisHexadecenoicAcidContentPerServing cis hexadecenoic acid content per typical serving size CisOctadecenoicAcidContentPerItem cis octadecenoic acid content per typical item size CisOctadecenoicAcidContentPerServing cis octadecenoic acid content per typical serving size ClupanodonicAcidContentPerItem clupanodonic acid content per typical item size ClupanodonicAcidContentPerServing clupanodonic acid content per typical serving size CompassPlot nutrition compass CompleteItem complete item Composition composition Concentration concentration ConjugatedLinoleicAcidContentPerItem conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content per typical item size ConjugatedLinoleicAcidContentPerServing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content per typical serving size Constitution constitution ConsumptionMasses consumption masses CookingMethod cooking method CopperContentPerItem copper content per typical item size CopperContentPerServing copper content per typical serving size CopperDailyValuePercent copper daily value percent CrustType crust type Culture culture CystineContentPerItem cystine content per typical item size CystineContentPerServing cystine content per typical serving size DataSource data source DataSourceCountries data source countries DefaultItemSizeMass default item size mass DefaultServingSizeMass default serving size mass DefaultServingSizeVolume default serving size volume DeltaTocopherolContentPerItem delta tocopherol content per typical item size DeltaTocopherolContentPerServing delta tocopherol content per typical serving size DeltaTocotrienolContentPerItem delta tocotrienol content per typical item size DeltaTocotrienolContentPerServing delta tocotrienol content per typical serving size Density density DietaryFiberContentPerItem dietary fiber content per typical item size DietaryFiberContentPerServing dietary fiber content per typical serving size DihydrophylloquinoneContentPerItem dihydrophylloquinone content per typical item size DihydrophylloquinoneContentPerServing dihydrophylloquinone content per typical serving size DocosahexaenoicAcidContentPerItem docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content per typical item size DocosahexaenoicAcidContentPerServing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content per typical serving size DocosatetraenoicAcidContentPerItem docosatetraenoic acid content per typical item size DocosatetraenoicAcidContentPerServing docosatetraenoic acid content per typical serving size DocosenoicAcidContentPerItem docosenoic acid content per typical item size DocosenoicAcidContentPerServing docosenoic acid content per typical serving size EicosadienoicAcidContentPerItem eicosadienoic acid content per typical item size EicosadienoicAcidContentPerServing eicosadienoic acid content per typical serving size EicosatetraenoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContentPerItem eicosatetraenoic acid (20:4) content per typical item size EicosatetraenoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContentPerServing eicosatetraenoic acid (20:4) content per typical serving size EicosatrienoicAcidContentPerItem eicosatrienoic acid content per typical item size EicosatrienoicAcidContentPerServing eicosatrienoic acid content per typical serving size EnergyContentPerItem energy content per typical item size EnergyContentPerServing energy content per typical serving size EntityTypeList entity type list ErucicAcidContentPerItem erucic acid content per typical item size ErucicAcidContentPerServing erucic acid content per typical serving size FatCalorieFactor fat calorie factor FatCaloriesContentPerItem fat calorie content per typical item size FatCaloriesContentPerServing fat calorie content per typical serving size FatLabel fat label FatType fat type FiberLabel fiber label Flavor flavor FluorideContentPerItem fluoride content per typical item size FluorideContentPerServing fluoride content per typical serving size FolicAcidContentPerItem folic acid content per typical item size FolicAcidContentPerServing folic acid content per typical serving size FoodFolateContentPerItem food folate content per typical item size FoodFolateContentPerServing food folate content per typical serving size FoodFolateDailyValuePercent food folate daily value percent FoodState food state FoodType food type FoodTypeGroup food type group FructoseContentPerItem fructose content per typical item size FructoseContentPerServing fructose content per typical serving size GadoleicAcidContentPerItem gadoleic acid content per typical item size GadoleicAcidContentPerServing gadoleic acid content per typical serving size GalactoseContentPerItem galactose content per typical item size GalactoseContentPerServing galactose content per typical serving size GammaLinolenicAcidContentPerItem gamma-linolenic acid content per typical item size GammaLinolenicAcidContentPerServing gamma-linolenic acid content per typical serving size GammaTocopherolContentPerItem gamma tocopherol content per typical item size GammaTocopherolContentPerServing gamma tocopherol content per typical serving size GammaTocotrienolContentPerItem gamma tocotrienol content per typical item size GammaTocotrienolContentPerServing gamma tocotrienol content per typical serving size GeometryType geometry GlobalTradeIdentificationNumbers global trade identification numbers GlucoseContentPerItem glucose content per typical item size GlucoseContentPerServing glucose content per typical serving size GlutamicAcidContentPerItem glutamic acid content per typical item size GlutamicAcidContentPerServing glutamic acid content per typical serving size GlycineContentPerItem glycine content per typical item size GlycineContentPerServing glycine content per typical serving size HeneicosapentaenoicAcidContentPerItem heneicosapentaenoic acid content per typical item size HeneicosapentaenoicAcidContentPerServing heneicosapentaenoic acid content per typical serving size HeptadecenoicAcidContentPerItem heptadecenoic acid content per typical item size HeptadecenoicAcidContentPerServing heptadecenoic acid content per typical serving size HistidineContentPerItem histidine content per typical item size HistidineContentPerServing histidine content per typical serving size HydroxyprolineContentPerItem hydroxyproline content per typical item size HydroxyprolineContentPerServing hydroxyproline content per typical serving size Image image IngredientList ingredient list IntendedUse intended use IodineContentPerItem iodine content per typical item size IodineContentPerServing iodine content per typical serving size IodineDailyValuePercent iodine daily value percent IronContentPerItem iron content per typical item size IronContentPerServing iron content per typical serving size IronDailyValuePercent iron daily value percent IronLabel iron label IsoleucineContentPerItem isoleucine content per typical item size IsoleucineContentPerServing isoleucine content per typical serving size LactoseContentPerItem lactose content per typical item size LactoseContentPerServing lactose content per typical serving size Languages languages LauricAcidContentPerItem lauric acid content per typical item size LauricAcidContentPerServing lauric acid content per typical serving size LeucineContentPerItem leucine content per typical item size LeucineContentPerServing leucine content per typical serving size LignocericAcidContentPerItem lignoceric acid content per typical item size LignocericAcidContentPerServing lignoceric acid content per typical serving size LinoleicAcidContentPerItem linoleic acid content per typical item size LinoleicAcidContentPerServing linoleic acid content per typical serving size LinolenicAcidContentPerItem linolenic acid content per typical item size LinolenicAcidContentPerServing linolenic acid content per typical serving size Location location LuteinPlusZeaxanthinContentPerItem lutein plus zeaxanthin content per typical item size LuteinPlusZeaxanthinContentPerServing lutein plus zeaxanthin content per typical serving size LycopeneContentPerItem lycopene content per typical item size LycopeneContentPerServing lycopene content per typical serving size LysineContentPerItem lysine content per typical item size LysineContentPerServing lysine content per typical serving size MagnesiumContentPerItem magnesium content per typical item size MagnesiumContentPerServing magnesium content per typical serving size MagnesiumDailyValuePercent magnesium daily value percent MaltoseContentPerItem maltose content per typical item size MaltoseContentPerServing maltose content per typical serving size MaltType malt type ManganeseContentPerItem manganese content per typical item size ManganeseContentPerServing manganese content per typical serving size ManganeseDailyValuePercent manganese daily value percent Manufacturer manufacturer MargaricAcidContentPerItem margaric acid content per typical item size MargaricAcidContentPerServing margaric acid content per typical serving size MarketingDescription marketing description MeatCut meat cut MeatQuality meat quality Menaquinone4ContentPerItem menaquinone-4 content per typical item size Menaquinone4ContentPerServing menaquinone-4 content per typical serving size MethionineContentPerItem methionine content per typical item size MethionineContentPerServing methionine content per typical serving size MoistureLevel moisture level MolybdenumContentPerItem molybdenum content per typical item size MolybdenumContentPerServing molybdenum content per typical serving size MolybdenumDailyValuePercent molybdenum daily value percent MyristicAcidContentPerItem myristic acid content per typical item size MyristicAcidContentPerServing myristic acid content per typical serving size MyristoleicAcidContentPerItem myristoleic acid content per typical item size MyristoleicAcidContentPerServing myristoleic acid content per typical serving size N3EicosatrienoicAcidContentPerItem N3 eicosatrienoic acid content per typical item size N3EicosatrienoicAcidContentPerServing N3 eicosatrienoic acid content per typical serving size N6CisCisOctadecadienoicAcidContentPerItem N6 cis cis octadecadienoic acid content per typical item size N6CisCisOctadecadienoicAcidContentPerServing N6 cis cis octadecadienoic acid content per typical serving size N6EicosatrienoicAcidContentPerItem N6 eicosatrienoic acid content per typical item size N6EicosatrienoicAcidContentPerServing N6 eicosatrienoic acid content per typical serving size Name name NervonicAcidContentPerItem nervonic acid content per typical item size NervonicAcidContentPerServing nervonic acid content per typical serving size NiacinContentPerItem niacin content per typical item size NiacinContentPerServing niacin content per typical serving size NiacinDailyValuePercent niacin daily value percent NickelContentPerItem nickel content per typical item size NickelContentPerServing nickel content per typical serving size NitrogenProteinFactor nitrogen to protein conversion factor NutritionalSupplement nutritional supplement NutritionalSupplementNotAdded nutritional supplement not added NutritionLabel nutrition label OctadecadienoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContentPerItem octadecadienoic acid unidentified isomers content per typical item size OctadecadienoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContentPerServing octadecadienoic acid unidentified isomers content per typical serving size OctadecatrienoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContentPerItem octadecatrienoic acid unidentified isomers content per typical item size OctadecatrienoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContentPerServing octadecatrienoic acid unidentified isomers content per typical serving size OleicAcidContentPerItem oleic acid content per typical item size OleicAcidContentPerServing oleic acid content per typical serving size OtherCarbohydratesContentPerItem other carbohydrate content per typical item size OtherCarbohydratesContentPerServing other carbohydrate content per typical serving size Packaging packaging PalmiticAcidContentPerItem palmitic acid content per typical item size PalmiticAcidContentPerServing palmitic acid content per typical serving size PalmitoleicAcidContentPerItem palmitoleic acid content per typical item size PalmitoleicAcidContentPerServing palmitoleic acid content per typical serving size PantothenicAcidContentPerItem pantothenic acid content per typical item size PantothenicAcidContentPerServing pantothenic acid content per typical serving size PantothenicAcidDailyValuePercent pantothenic acid daily value percent ParinaricAcidContentPerItem parinaric acid content per typical item size ParinaricAcidContentPerServing parinaric acid content per typical serving size Part food part PattyCount patty count PeelingType peeling type PentadecanoicAcidContentPerItem pentadecanoic acid content per typical item size PentadecanoicAcidContentPerServing pentadecanoic acid content per typical serving size PentadecenoicAcidContentPerItem pentadecenoic acid content per typical item size PentadecenoicAcidContentPerServing pentadecenoic acid content per typical serving size PhenylalanineContentPerItem phenylalanine content per typical item size PhenylalanineContentPerServing phenylalanine content per typical serving size PhosphorusContentPerItem phosphorus content per typical item size PhosphorusContentPerServing phosphorus content per typical serving size PhosphorusDailyValuePercent phosphorus daily value percent PhytosterolsContentPerItem phytosterols content per typical item size PhytosterolsContentPerServing phytosterols content per typical serving size PotassiumContentPerItem potassium content per typical item size PotassiumContentPerServing potassium content per typical serving size PotassiumDailyValuePercent potassium daily value percent Preparation preparation PrivateLabelItem private label item ProcessingType processing type ProductDirections product directions ProductWarning product warning ProlineContentPerItem proline content per typical item size ProlineContentPerServing proline content per typical serving size ProteinCalorieFactor protein calorie factor ProteinCaloriesContentPerItem protein calorie content per typical item size ProteinCaloriesContentPerServing protein calorie content per typical serving size RecommendedFrozenStorageTime maximum frozen storage time RecommendedRefrigeratedStorageTime maximum refrigerated storage time RefuseDescription refuse description RefuseFraction refuse fraction RelativeAlanineContent relative alanine content RelativeAlcoholCaloriesContent relative alcohol calorie content RelativeAlcoholContent relative alcohol content RelativeAlphaCaroteneContent relative alpha carotene content RelativeAlphaLinolenicAcidCisCisCisContent relative alpha linolenic acid cis cis cis content RelativeAlphaLinolenicAcidContent relative alpha-linolenic acid content RelativeAlphaTocotrienolContent relative alpha tocotrienol content RelativeArachidicAcidContent relative arachidic acid content RelativeArachidonicAcidContent relative arachidonic acid content RelativeArginineContent relative arginine content RelativeArsenicContent relative arsenic content RelativeAshContent relative ash content RelativeAsparticAcidContent relative aspartic acid content RelativeBehenicAcidContent relative behenic acid content RelativeBetaCaroteneContent relative beta carotene content RelativeBetaCryptoxanthinContent relative beta cryptoxanthin content RelativeBetaineContent relative betaine content RelativeBetaSitosterolContent relative beta sitosterol content RelativeBetaTocopherolContent relative beta tocopherol content RelativeBetaTocotrienolContent relative beta tocotrienol content RelativeBiotinContent relative biotin content RelativeBoronContent relative boron content RelativeButyricAcidContent relative butyric acid content RelativeCaffeineContent relative caffeine content RelativeCalciumContent relative calcium content RelativeCampesterolContent relative campesterol content RelativeCapricAcidContent relative capric acid content RelativeCaproicAcidContent relative caproic acid content RelativeCaprylicAcidContent relative caprylic acid content RelativeCarbohydrateCaloriesContent relative carbohydrate calorie content RelativeChlorideContent relative chloride content RelativeCholesterolContent relative cholesterol content RelativeCholineContent relative choline content RelativeChromiumContent relative chromium content RelativeCisHexadecenoicAcidContent relative cis hexadecenoic acid content RelativeCisOctadecenoicAcidContent relative cis octadecenoic acid content RelativeClupanodonicAcidContent relative clupanodonic acid content RelativeConjugatedLinoleicAcidContent relative conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content RelativeCopperContent relative copper content RelativeCystineContent relative cystine content RelativeDeltaTocopherolContent relative delta tocopherol content RelativeDeltaTocotrienolContent relative delta tocotrienol content RelativeDietaryFiberContent relative dietary fiber content RelativeDihydrophylloquinoneContent relative dihydrophylloquinone content RelativeDocosahexaenoicAcidContent relative docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content RelativeDocosatetraenoicAcidContent relative docosatetraenoic acid content RelativeDocosenoicAcidContent relative docosenoic acid content RelativeEicosadienoicAcidContent relative eicosadienoic acid content RelativeEicosapentaenoicAcidContent relative eicosapentaenoic acid content RelativeEicosatetraenoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContent relative eicosatetraenoic acid (20:4) content RelativeEicosatrienoicAcidContent relative eicosatrienoic acid content RelativeEnergyContent relative energy content RelativeErucicAcidContent relative erucic acid content RelativeFatCaloriesContent relative fat calorie content RelativeFluorideContent relative fluoride content RelativeFolicAcidContent relative folic acid content RelativeFoodFolateContent relative food folate content RelativeFructoseContent relative fructose content RelativeGadoleicAcidContent relative gadoleic acid content RelativeGalactoseContent relative galactose content RelativeGammaLinolenicAcidContent relative gamma-linolenic acid content RelativeGammaTocopherolContent relative gamma tocopherol content RelativeGammaTocotrienolContent relative gamma tocotrienol content RelativeGlucoseContent relative glucose content RelativeGlutamicAcidContent relative glutamic acid content RelativeGlycineContent relative glycine content RelativeHeneicosapentaenoicAcidContent relative heneicosapentaenoic acid content RelativeHeptadecenoicAcidContent relative heptadecenoic acid content RelativeHistidineContent relative histidine content RelativeHydroxyprolineContent relative hydroxyproline content RelativeIodineContent relative iodine content RelativeIronContent relative iron content RelativeIsoleucineContent relative isoleucine content RelativeLactoseContent relative lactose content RelativeLauricAcidContent relative lauric acid content RelativeLeucineContent relative leucine content RelativeLignocericAcidContent relative lignoceric acid content RelativeLinoleicAcidContent relative linoleic acid content RelativeLinolenicAcidContent relative linolenic acid content RelativeLuteinPlusZeaxanthinContent relative lutein plus zeaxanthin content RelativeLycopeneContent relative lycopene content RelativeLysineContent relative lysine content RelativeMagnesiumContent relative magnesium content RelativeMaltoseContent relative maltose content RelativeManganeseContent relative manganese content RelativeMargaricAcidContent relative margaric acid content RelativeMenaquinone4Content relative menaquinone-4 content RelativeMethionineContent relative methionine content RelativeMolybdenumContent relative molybdenum content RelativeMyristicAcidContent relative myristic acid content RelativeMyristoleicAcidContent relative myristoleic acid content RelativeN3EicosatrienoicAcidContent relative N3 eicosatrienoic acid content RelativeN6CisCisOctadecadienoicAcidContent relative N6 cis cis octadecadienoic acid content RelativeN6EicosatrienoicAcidContent relative N6 eicosatrienoic acid content RelativeNervonicAcidContent relative nervonic acid content RelativeNiacinContent relative niacin content RelativeNickelContent relative nickel content RelativeOctadecadienoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContent relative octadecadienoic acid unidentified isomers content RelativeOctadecatrienoicAcidUnidentifiedIsomersContent relative octadecatrienoic acid unidentified isomers content RelativeOleicAcidContent relative oleic acid content RelativeOtherCarbohydratesContent relative other carbohydrate content RelativePalmiticAcidContent relative palmitic acid content RelativePalmitoleicAcidContent relative palmitoleic acid content RelativePantothenicAcidContent relative pantothenic acid content RelativeParinaricAcidContent relative parinaric acid content RelativePentadecanoicAcidContent relative pentadecanoic acid content RelativePentadecenoicAcidContent relative pentadecenoic acid content RelativePhenylalanineContent relative phenylalanine content RelativePhosphorusContent relative phosphorus content RelativePhytosterolsContent relative phytosterols content RelativePotassiumContent relative potassium content RelativeProlineContent relative proline content RelativeProteinCaloriesContent relative protein calorie content RelativeRetinolContent relative retinol content RelativeRiboflavinContent relative riboflavin content RelativeSeleniumContent relative selenium content RelativeSerineContent relative serine content RelativeSiliconContent relative silicon content RelativeSodiumContent relative sodium content RelativeStarchContent relative starch content RelativeStearicAcidContent relative stearic acid content RelativeStigmasterolContent relative stigmasterol content RelativeSucroseContent relative sucrose content RelativeSugarAlcoholContent relative sugar alcohol content RelativeTheobromineContent relative theobromine content RelativeThiaminContent relative thiamin content RelativeThreonineContent relative threonine content RelativeTotalCaloriesContent relative calorie content RelativeTotalCarbohydratesContent relative carbohydrate content RelativeTotalFatContent relative fat content RelativeTotalFiberContent relative fiber content RelativeTotalFolateContent relative total folate content RelativeTotalMonounsaturatedFatContent relative monounsaturated fat content RelativeTotalOmegaSixFattyAcidContent relative omega six fatty acid content RelativeTotalOmegaThreeFattyAcidContent relative omega three fatty acid content RelativeTotalPolyunsaturatedFatContent relative polyunsaturated fat content RelativeTotalProteinContent relative protein content RelativeTotalSaturatedFatContent relative saturated fat content RelativeTotalSugarContent relative sugar content RelativeTotalTransFatContent relative trans fat content RelativeTotalTransMonoenoicFatContent relative trans monoenoic fat content RelativeTotalTransPolyenoicFatContent relative trans polyenoic fat content RelativeTransDocosenoicAcidContent relative trans docosenoic acid content RelativeTransHexadecenoicAcidContent relative trans hexadecenoic acid content RelativeTransOctadecadienoicAcidContent relative trans octadecadienoic acid content RelativeTransOctadecenoicAcidContent relative trans octadecenoic acid content RelativeTransTransDocosenoicAcidContent relative trans trans docosenoic acid content RelativeTridecanoicAcidContent relative tridecanoic acid content RelativeTryptophanContent relative tryptophan content RelativeTyrosineContent relative tyrosine content RelativeVaccenicAcidContent relative vaccenic acid content RelativeValineContent relative valine content RelativeVanadiumContent relative vanadium content RelativeVitaminAContent relative vitamin A (RAE) content RelativeVitaminB12Content relative vitamin B12 content RelativeVitaminB6Content relative vitamin B6 content RelativeVitaminCContent relative vitamin C content RelativeVitaminD2Content relative vitamin D2 content RelativeVitaminD3Content relative vitamin D3 content RelativeVitaminDContent relative vitamin D content RelativeVitaminEContent relative vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) content RelativeVitaminKContent relative vitamin K content RelativeWaterContent relative water content RelativeZincContent relative zinc content RetinolContentPerItem retinol content per typical item size RetinolContentPerServing retinol content per typical serving size RiboflavinContentPerItem riboflavin content per typical item size RiboflavinContentPerServing riboflavin content per typical serving size RiboflavinDailyValuePercent riboflavin daily value percent ScovilleRating Scoville rating SeafoodVariety seafood variety SeedContent seed content SeleniumContentPerItem selenium content per typical item size SeleniumContentPerServing selenium content per typical serving size SeleniumDailyValuePercent selenium daily value percent SerineContentPerItem serine content per typical item size SerineContentPerServing serine content per typical serving size ServingType serving type SiliconContentPerItem silicon content per typical item size SiliconContentPerServing silicon content per typical serving size Size size SkinContent skin content SodiumContentPerItem sodium content per typical item size SodiumContentPerServing sodium content per typical serving size SodiumDailyValuePercent sodium daily value percent SodiumLabel sodium label Source source SourceFoodTypeGroups source food type groups SourceFoodTypes source food types StarchContentPerItem starch content per typical item size StarchContentPerServing starch content per typical serving size StearicAcidContentPerItem stearic acid content per typical item size StearicAcidContentPerServing stearic acid content per typical serving size StigmasterolContentPerItem stigmasterol content per typical item size StigmasterolContentPerServing stigmasterol content per typical serving size StorageType storage type SubBrandName sub-brand name SubLabel sub‐label SucroseContentPerItem sucrose content per typical item size SucroseContentPerServing sucrose content per typical serving size SugarAlcoholContentPerItem sugar alcohol content per typical item size SugarAlcoholContentPerServing sugar alcohol content per typical serving size SugarLabel sugar label SugarType sugar type Texture texture TheobromineContentPerItem theobromine content per typical item size TheobromineContentPerServing theobromine content per typical serving size ThiaminContentPerItem thiamin content per typical item size ThiaminContentPerServing thiamin content per typical serving size ThiaminDailyValuePercent thiamin daily value percent ThreonineContentPerItem threonine content per typical item size ThreonineContentPerServing threonine content per typical serving size TimesDistilled times distilled TimnodonicAcidContentPerItem timnodonic acid content per typical item size TimnodonicAcidContentPerServing timnodonic acid content per typical serving size TotalCaloriesContentPerItem calorie content per typical item size TotalCaloriesContentPerServing calorie content per typical serving size TotalCarbohydratesContentPerItem carbohydrate content per typical item size TotalCarbohydratesContentPerServing carbohydrate content per typical serving size TotalCarbohydratesDailyValuePercent total carbohydrates daily value percent TotalContainerMass total container mass TotalFatContentPerItem fat content per typical item size TotalFatContentPerServing fat content per typical serving size TotalFatDailyValuePercent total fat daily value percent TotalFiberContentPerItem fiber content per typical item size TotalFiberContentPerServing fiber content per typical serving size TotalFiberDailyValuePercent total fiber daily value percent TotalFolateContentPerItem total folate content per typical item size TotalFolateContentPerServing total folate content per typical serving size TotalMonounsaturatedFatContentPerItem monounsaturated fat content per typical item size TotalMonounsaturatedFatContentPerServing monounsaturated fat content per typical serving size TotalOmegaSixFattyAcidContentPerItem omega six fatty acid content per typical item size TotalOmegaSixFattyAcidContentPerServing omega six fatty acid content per typical serving size TotalOmegaThreeFattyAcidContentPerItem omega three fatty acid content per typical item size TotalOmegaThreeFattyAcidContentPerServing omega three fatty acid content per typical serving size TotalPolyunsaturatedFatContentPerItem polyunsaturated fat content per typical item size TotalPolyunsaturatedFatContentPerServing polyunsaturated fat content per typical serving size TotalProteinContentPerItem protein content per typical item size TotalProteinContentPerServing protein content per typical serving size TotalProteinDailyValuePercent total protein daily value percent TotalSaturatedFatContentPerItem saturated fat content per typical item size TotalSaturatedFatContentPerServing saturated fat content per typical serving size TotalSaturatedFatDailyValuePercent saturated fat daily value percent TotalSugarContentPerItem sugar content per typical item size TotalSugarContentPerServing sugar content per typical serving size TotalTransFatContentPerItem trans fat content per typical item size TotalTransFatContentPerServing trans fat content per typical serving size TotalTransMonoenoicFatContentPerItem trans monoenoic fat content per typical item size TotalTransMonoenoicFatContentPerServing trans monoenoic fat content per typical serving size TotalTransPolyenoicFatContentPerItem trans polyenoic fat content per typical item size TotalTransPolyenoicFatContentPerServing trans polyenoic fat content per typical serving size TransDocosenoicAcidContentPerItem trans docosenoic acid content per typical item size TransDocosenoicAcidContentPerServing trans docosenoic acid content per typical serving size TransHexadecenoicAcidContentPerItem trans hexadecenoic acid content per typical item size TransHexadecenoicAcidContentPerServing trans hexadecenoic acid content per typical serving size TransOctadecadienoicAcidContentPerItem trans octadecadienoic acid content per typical item size TransOctadecadienoicAcidContentPerServing trans octadecadienoic acid content per typical serving size TransOctadecenoicAcidContentPerItem trans octadecenoic acid content per typical item size TransOctadecenoicAcidContentPerServing trans octadecenoic acid content per typical serving size TransTransDocosenoicAcidContentPerItem trans trans docosenoic acid content per typical item size TransTransDocosenoicAcidContentPerServing trans trans docosenoic acid content per typical serving size TridecanoicAcidContentPerItem tridecanoic acid content per typical item size TridecanoicAcidContentPerServing tridecanoic acid content per typical serving size TrimmingLevel trimming level TryptophanContentPerItem tryptophan content per typical item size TryptophanContentPerServing tryptophan content per typical serving size TypicalInsideColors typical inside colors TypicalOutsideColors typical outside colors TyrosineContentPerItem tyrosine content per typical item size TyrosineContentPerServing tyrosine content per typical serving size UniversalProductCodes universal product codes USDAFoodGroup USDA food group USDAName USDA name USDANumber USDA nutrient databank number VaccenicAcidContentPerItem vaccenic acid content per typical item size VaccenicAcidContentPerServing vaccenic acid content per typical serving size ValidCountingUnits valid counting units ValineContentPerItem valine content per typical item size ValineContentPerServing valine content per typical serving size VanadiumContentPerItem vanadium content per typical item size VanadiumContentPerServing vanadium content per typical serving size Variety variety VegetablePart vegetable part VitaminAContentPerItem vitamin A content per typical item size VitaminAContentPerServing vitamin A content per typical serving size VitaminADailyValuePercent vitamin A daily value percent VitaminB12ContentPerItem vitamin B12 content per typical item size VitaminB12ContentPerServing vitamin B12 content per typical serving size VitaminB12DailyValuePercent vitamin B12 daily value percent VitaminB6ContentPerItem vitamin B6 content per typical item size VitaminB6ContentPerServing vitamin B6 content per typical serving size VitaminB6DailyValuePercent vitamin B6 daily value percent VitaminCContentPerItem vitamin C content per typical item size VitaminCContentPerServing vitamin C content per typical serving size VitaminCDailyValuePercent vitamin C daily value percent VitaminD2ContentPerItem vitamin D2 content per typical item size VitaminD2ContentPerServing vitamin D2 content per typical serving size VitaminD3ContentPerItem vitamin D3 content per typical item size VitaminD3ContentPerServing vitamin D3 content per typical serving size VitaminDContentPerItem vitamin D content per typical item size VitaminDContentPerServing vitamin D content per typical serving size VitaminDDailyValuePercent vitamin D daily value percent VitaminEContentPerItem vitamin E content per typical item size VitaminEContentPerServing vitamin E content per typical serving size VitaminEDailyValuePercent vitamin E daily value percent VitaminKContentPerItem vitamin K content per typical item size VitaminKContentPerServing vitamin K content per typical serving size VitaminKDailyValuePercent vitamin K daily value percent WaterContentPerItem water content per typical item size WaterContentPerServing water content per typical serving size YeastType yeast type ZincContentPerItem zinc content per typical item size ZincContentPerServing zinc content per typical serving size ZincDailyValuePercent zinc daily value percent

- "Food" entities are classified with over 10,000 attributes and have detailed information for over 150 nutrients.
- Some properties are available for the "Food" entity type as a whole and can be given using the form EntityValue["Food",property]. Such properties include:
"Properties" the list of available properties "PropertyCanonicalNames" the standard names of available properties "SampleEntities" a sample list of available entities (typically of length 10) "SampleEntityClasses" a sample list of available entity classes (typically of length 10) "EntityCount" number of entities available "Entities" the list of available entities "EntityCanonicalNames" the standard names of available entities "EntityClasses" the list of available entity classes "EntityClassCanonicalNames" the standard names of available entity classes "PropertyClasses" the list of available property classes "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" the standard names of available property classes "PropertyCount" number of properties available - The following annotations can be used in the third argument of EntityValue["Food",property,annotation]:
"Source" source information for the property "Date" the date associated with the entity-property value (if any) "EntityAssociation" an association of entities and entity-property values "PropertyAssociation" an association of properties and entity-property values "EntityPropertyAssociation" an association in which the specified entities are keys, and values are a nested association of properties and entity-property values "PropertyEntityAssociation" an association in which the specified properties are keys, and values are a nested association of entities and entity-property values "Dataset" a dataset in which the specified entities are keys, and values are an association of property names and entity-property values - The following annotations can be used in the second argument of EntityValue[property,annotation]:
"Qualifiers" the list of possible qualifiers for the property "QualifierValues" the list of possible values that can be given to each qualifier "DefaultQualifierValues" the list of default values for the property's qualifiers "Description" a brief textual description of the property "Definition" a detailed textual definition of the property "PhysicalQuantity" the physical quantity associated with the entity-property value "Unit" the unit associated with the entity-property value - A qualifier value of Automatic indicates that an applicable format of values can be used; e.g. for the "Date" qualifier, this includes a proper date or date span.