"SelectCompletion" (Question Interface Type)


provides a fill-in-the-blank interface with choices for each blank.


  • In QuestionInterface["SelectCompletion",props], props is an Association that supports the following keys:
  • "Prompt"Nonetext asking the user a question
    "Template"(required)template object with slots to be filled
    "Choices"Automaticavailable choices for each slot
    "ChoiceOrdering"Automaticfunction for ordering choices
    "Labels"Automaticcorresponding labels for each choice
  • The "Template" can be any content supported by TemplateObject or StringTemplate. When providing a string, template slots denoted by backticks `` define locations for blanks in the question interface.
  • By default, the "Choices" are inherited from the AssessmentFunction and randomly sorted to avoid exposing the correct answer.
  • When provided directly, "Choices" should have the form {{item1a,item1b,},{item2a,item2b,},} where each sublist contains the available choices for a blank in the interface. By default, the order will be maintained as provided.
  • When "ChoiceOrdering"f is specified, the items will be presented as {f[{item1a,item1b,}],f[{item2a,item2b,}],}.

Corresponding AssessmentFunction

  • "SelectCompletion" is not an automatically assigned interface type for any AssessmentFunction. It must be specified in QuestionInterface.
  • The values vali in AssessmentFunction[{val1,},] should contain the answers for each slot in order.
  • The assessment function should be structured as AssessmentFunction[{{elem1a, elem2a,}scorea,{elem1b,elem2b}scoreb},] where each list {elem1i,elem2i,} is a value in the answer key defining a possible correct or incorrect answer.


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Basic Examples  (3)

Define a select completion question with assessment:

Specify the choices directly instead of inheriting from the AssessmentFunction:

Create a select completion interface without assessment:

Scope  (3)

A question with multiple possible correct answers:

Create a grammar question:

Create a fill-in-the-blank question with labels:

Generalizations & Extensions  (2)

Specify the template using TemplateSlot:

Provide a full TemplateObject:

Applications  (2)

Create a question generator for a fill-in-the-blank question:

Create three instances of the question:

Create a select completion question for an art assessment:

Generate a question. Images for some artworks are unavailable and may cause failures:

Properties & Relations  (1)

Specify choice ordering on a fill-in-the-blank question:

Possible Issues  (2)

The values in the AssessmentFunction should be lists. Submitting an answer to this invalid assessment will fail:

Specify the answer key values as a list instead:

The TemplateObject created by StringTemplate contains options incompatible with "SelectCompletion":

Attempting to use this template will create a broken interface:

Remove the option settings:

Now the template works in "TextCompletion":

Alternatively, use TemplateObject directly instead of StringTemplate:

This template does not have any options settings:

It works in "SelectCompletion":