The Wolfram Language provides state-of-the-art high-precision geodesy computation, supporting all standard datums and projections.

DMS etc. Conversions

FromDMS convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees

DMSString, DMSList convert from decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds form

Latitude, Longitude, LatitudeLongitude extract latitude, longitude

Degree (°) conversion factor from radians to degrees (entered as deg)

Geodetic Points & Coordinate Systems

GeoPosition geodetic position specified by latitude and longitude

GeoPositionXYZ  ▪  GeoPositionENU

GeoGridPosition projected position in a cartographic grid

GeoAntipode antipode of a geodetic location

RandomGeoPosition generate pseudorandom geo positions in a region

Geodetic Vectors & Vector Frames

GeoVector geodetic vector specified by modulus and direction

GeoVectorXYZ  ▪  GeoVectorENU

GeoGridVector vector specified by components in the projected coordinates frame

Geodetic Paths & Measures

GeoDistance distance between geodetic positions

GeoDirection azimuthal direction between geodetic positions

GeoDestination position at a given distance and direction from a point

GeoDisplacement symbolic representation of a geodetic direction and distance

GeoLength length of a geodetic path

GeoArea area of a geodetic region

GeoDistanceList successive pairwise distances between a list of geodetic positions

Geodetic Projections

GeodesyData data on reference ellipsoids and geodetic datums

GeoProjectionData data on cartographic projections

Projection Scale & Distortion

GeoGridUnitDistance local geo distance corresponding to a unit of map distance

GeoGridUnitArea local geo area corresponding to a unit of map area

GeoGridDirectionDifference local angular change under projection

GeoElevationData elevation data for the Earth and other planetary bodies

GeoGraphics create detailed relief, border, street, etc. maps

GeoImage satellite imagery

GeoNearest find nearest geographic features

GeoWithinQ  ▪  GeoIdentify  ▪  GeoEntities

GeoBoundingBox geo bounding box of a geographic object

GeoBounds  ▪  GeoBoundsRegion  ▪  GeoDisk  ▪  GeoVisibleRegion

City, Country positions of cities, countries

Planet PlanetaryMoon Star ...

SunPosition  ▪  MoonPosition  ▪  Sunrise  ▪  Sunset  ▪  MoonPhase

Current Location Information

Here deduced current geo location

$GeoLocation settable current geodetic location

FindGeoLocation try to find the current location using GPS, geoIP, etc.

$GeoLocationCountry  ▪  $GeoLocationCity  ▪  $TimeZone

Time Computations »

LocalTime local time at any location on the Earth

LocalTimeZone local time zone for any location

Travel-Based Computations »

TravelDistance distance based on travel by car, walking, etc.

TravelTime time based on travel by car, walking, etc.

TravelDistanceList successive pairwise travel distances between a list of locations