

applies the specified image effect to image.


uses parameters params.


applies the image effect to frames of video.

Details and Options

  • ImageEffect can be used to simulate image effects such as artistic effects, motion blur, low-light noise, color blindness and more.
  • Color transforms:
  • "ColorBoosting"constrast-boosting effect
    {"ColorTones",{col1,col2,}}map chromacities from coli to increasing intensity values
    "Decolorization"contrast-preserving decolorization
    {"DetailEnhancing",σ,μ}detail enhancing using spatial spread σ and pixel value spread μ
    {"Posterization",n}posterization effect using n levels in each channel
    "Sepia"represent the image using sepia tones
    {"Solarization",t}solarization or Sabatier effect
  • Stylization effects:
  • {"Charcoal",x}charcoal sketch effect
    {"Comics",{t1,t2}}comics effect using the black and white thresholds t1 and t2
    "EdgeStylization"a stylized version of the image
    {"Embossing",x,α}embossing by an amount x at an angle α
    {"Jitter",r}jitter pixels in the range-r neighborhood
    {"MotionBlur",d,α}motion blur of size d and angle α, given in radians
    {"OilPainting",x}artistic oil painting effect
    {"Stippling",n}stippling using n different density levels
  • Color vision deficiencies:
  • "Deuteranopia"insensitivity to green, confusing green and red
    "Protanopia"insensitivity to red, confusing green and red
    "Tritanopia"insensitivity to blue, confusing blue and yellow
  • Framing effects:
  • {"FadedFrame",depth,sides,method}add a faded frame
    {"TornFrame",depth,sides,freq}add a torn paper effect
    {"Frame",f,depth,sides}arbitrary specified frame shape f
    {"Vignette",r,color}decrease the brightness from the center
  • By default, sides is assumed to be All. A list of Left, Right, Bottom, Top can be given to modify only the specified sides.
  • The parameter depth corresponds to the frame depth starting from outside and can be given as the number of pixels or as Scaled[s], where s×GeometricMean[ImageDimensions[image]] pixels are affected.
  • In {"FadedFrame",depth,sides,method}, method can be any of the following: "Cosine", "Exp", "Linear", "Log", "Rounded", "SCurve".
  • Pseudo-random noise effects add noise to the image:
  • {"Noise",a}zero-mean uniform noise of amplitude a
    {"GaussianNoise",σ}zero-mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation σ
    {"PoissonNoise",a}an amount a of Poisson noise
    {"SaltPepperNoise",f}salt-and-pepper noise to a fraction f of the image
  • Use {"SaltPepperNoise",{fs,fp}} to specify different salt and pepper fractions.
  • In each case, "effect" can be used instead of {"effect",}, and uses default values for parameters.
  • When using {"PoissonNoise",a}, the noise scale σ is defined as 100×(1-a)/a and each pixel value p is replaced with PoissonDistribution[p×σ]/σ.
  • Composition effect:
  • {"NestedComposition",n,scale,θ,pos,opos}recursively compose n scaled rotated copies of image
  • ImageEffect[] can be used to retrieve a list of all available image effects.
  • ImageEffect returns a grayscale image for single-channel images. All other images are converted to RGB.
  • ImageEffect takes a RandomSeeding option used to specify the seed for some methods. By default, RandomSeeding->Automatic is used, which automatically reseeds every time the function is called.


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Basic Examples  (2)

Create a charcoal sketch effect:

Create a noisy image by adding Poisson noise:

Scope  (27)

Basic Uses  (2)

Create an image effect:

Apply an effect to frames of a video:

Color Transforms  (7)

Boost the color appearance by extending the contrast in the image lightness:

Apply the chromaticity of a list of colors to increasing intensity values:

Convert the image to grayscale while preserving the local contrast:

Compare with the standard "Grayscale" conversion:

Enhance the level of detail in the image by specifying the spatial and color scale:

Create a posterization effect:

Posterize a grayscale image:

Create a sepia effect:

Apply a digital solarization effect to a color image:

Solarization effect with an explicit threshold:

Stylization Effects  (8)

Charcoal sketch effect:

Transform the image as an old comic book picture:

Create an embossing effect:

Visualize the image with different densities of random dots:

Jitter effect:

Specify a small jitter radius:

Apply motion blur to an image, using the default angle of 45 degrees:

Render a color image in the style of an oil painting:

Stylize the image by smoothing it and highlighting its edges:

Vision Deficiencies  (1)

Simulate different types of color blindness:

Framing Effects  (4)

Frame the image by fading its edges:

Fade only the bottom and right side starting at 1/3 from the image border:

Use a torn paper effect to frame the image:

Use an arbitrary function to specify the frame:

Add a vignette to the image:

Noise Effects  (4)

Add uniform noise to an image:

Add Gaussian noise to an image:

Add Poisson noise to an image:

Add salt-and-pepper noise to an image:

Composition Effects  (1)

Nest a composition consisting of an image and scaled versions of it:

Compose 20 copies of the image, each scaled down by a factor of 0.9 and rotated by 5 degrees:

Applications  (1)

Simulate dog vision as a red-green color blindness and blurring (due to reduced angular resolution):

Properties & Relations  (1)

Create other effects by combining image processing functions:

Interactive Examples  (2)

Interactively change the parameters of the embossing effect:

Interactive recursive repetitions of the image:

Wolfram Research (2008), ImageEffect, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2021).


Wolfram Research (2008), ImageEffect, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2021).


Wolfram Language. 2008. "ImageEffect." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2021.


Wolfram Language. (2008). ImageEffect. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_imageeffect, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ImageEffect}", year="2021", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_imageeffect, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ImageEffect}, year={2021}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}