
Details and Options

- Resolve is in effect automatically applied by Reduce.
- expr can contain equations, inequalities, domain specifications, and quantifiers, in the same form as in Reduce.
- The statement expr can be any logical combination of:
lhs==rhs equations lhs!=rhs inequations lhs>rhs or lhs>=rhs inequalities expr∈dom domain specifications {x,y,…}∈reg region specification ForAll[x,cond,expr] universal quantifiers Exists[x,cond,expr] existential quantifiers - The result of Resolve[expr] always describes exactly the same mathematical set as expr, but without quantifiers.
- Resolve[expr] assumes by default that quantities appearing algebraically in inequalities are real, while all other quantities are complex.
- When a quantifier such as ForAll[x,…] is eliminated, the result will contain no mention of the localized variable x.
- Resolve[expr] can in principle always eliminate quantifiers if expr contains only polynomial equations and inequalities over the reals or complexes.
- Resolve[expr] can in principle always eliminate quantifiers for any Boolean expression expr.
open allclose allBasic Examples (4)
Scope (52)
Complex Domain (6)
Decide the existence of solutions of a univariate polynomial equation:
Decide the existence of solutions of a multivariate polynomial system:
Decide the truth value of fully quantified polynomial formulas:
Find conditions under which a polynomial equation has solutions:
Find conditions under which a polynomial system has solutions:
Find conditions under which a quantified polynomial formula is true:
Real Domain (18)
Decide the existence of solutions of a univariate polynomial equation:
Decide the existence of solutions of a univariate polynomial inequality:
Decide the existence of solutions of a multivariate polynomial system:
Decide the truth value of fully quantified polynomial formulas:
Decide the existence of solutions of an exp-log equation:
Decide the existence of solutions of an exp-log inequality:
Decide the existence of solutions of an elementary function equation in a bounded interval:
Decide the existence of solutions of a holomorphic function equation in a bounded interval:

Decide the existence of solutions of a periodic elementary function equation:
Fully quantified formulas exp-log in the first variable and polynomial in the other variables:
Fully quantified formulas elementary and bounded in the first variable:
Fully quantified formulas holomorphic and bounded in the first variable:
Find conditions under which a linear system has solutions:
Find conditions under which a quadratic system has solutions:
Find conditions under which a polynomial system has solutions:
Find conditions under which a formula linear in quantified variables is true:
Find conditions under which a formula quadratic in quantified variables is true:
Find conditions under which a quantified polynomial formula is true:
Integer Domain (10)
Decide the existence of solutions of a linear system of equations:
Decide the existence of solutions of a linear system of equations and inequalities:
Decide the existence of solutions of a univariate polynomial equation:
Decide the existence of solutions of a univariate polynomial inequality:
Decide the existence of solutions of Frobenius equations:
Decide the existence of solutions of binary quadratic equations:
Decide the existence of solutions of a Thue equation:
Decide the existence of solutions of a sum of squares equation:
Decide the existence of solutions of a bounded system of equations and inequalities:
Decide the existence of solutions of a system of congruences:
Boolean Domain (2)
Finite Field Domains (5)
Mixed Domains (3)
Decide the existence of solutions of an equation involving a real and a complex variable:
Decide the existence of solutions of an inequality involving Abs[x]:
Find under what conditions a fourth power of a complex number is real:
Options (4)
Backsubstitution (1)
Cubics (1)
Quartics (1)
WorkingPrecision (1)
This computation takes a long time due to high degrees of algebraic numbers involved:
With WorkingPrecision->100 you get an answer faster, but it may be incorrect:
Applications (9)
Polynomials (2)
Theorem Proving (3)
Geometry (4)
The region is a subset of
is true. Show that Disk[{0,0},{2,1}] is a subset of Rectangle[{-2,-1},{2,1}]:
Show that Cylinder[]⊆Ball[{0,0,0},2]:
A region is disjoint from
. Show that Circle[{0,0},2] and Disk[{0,0},1] are disjoint:
There are no points in the intersection, so they are disjoint:
A region intersects
. Show that Circle[{0,0},1] intersects Disk[{1/2,0},1]:
Properties & Relations (5)
For fully quantified systems of equations and inequalities, Resolve is equivalent to Reduce:
A solution instance can be found with FindInstance:
For systems with free variables, Resolve may return an unsolved system:
Reduce eliminates quantifiers and solves the resulting system:
Eliminate can be used to eliminate variables from systems of complex polynomial equations:
Resolve gives the same equations, but may also give inequations:
Find a formula description of a TransformedRegion:
Compute a formula description of using RegionMember:
Check that the formulas are equivalent:
Resolve shows that the polynomial is non-negative:
Use PolynomialSumOfSquaresList to represent as a sum of squares:
The Motzkin polynomial is non-negative, but is not a sum of squares:

Wolfram Research (2003), Resolve, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2024).
Wolfram Language. 2003. "Resolve." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2024.
Wolfram Language. (2003). Resolve. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from