

represents the model of the transfer-function matrix g[s] with complex variable s.


specifies the numerator n[s] and denominator d[s] of a transfer-function model.


specifies the zeros z, poles p, and gain g of a transfer-function model.


gives the transfer-function model of the systems model sys.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (5)

A single-input, single-output system:

A system with two inputs and one output:

Obtain the transfer-function representation of a state-space model:

A discrete-time transfer function with a sampling period of 1:

Evaluate a transfer function over a range of frequencies:

Plot the magnitudes:

Scope  (19)

A first-order continuous-time system:

A second-order system:

A fifth-order system:

A system with three zeros and six poles:

A first-order discrete-time system:

A two-input, one-output system:

A one-input, two-output system:

A two-input, two-output system:

Specify a transfer function using its numerator and denominator:

A MIMO transfer function specified in terms of its numerators and denominators:

A denominator polynomial that is the least common multiple:

Specify the transfer function, using its algebraic poles, zeros, and gains:

A multivariable system:

A constant gain of 10:

A discrete-time gain:

A symbolic gain:

The transfer-function representation of a state-space model:

Taylor linearize an AffineStateSpaceModel and obtain its transfer function representation:

The linearization of an AffineStateSpaceModel with nonzero equilibrium values:

Taylor linearize a NonlinearStateSpaceModel:

The list of available properties:

Generalizations & Extensions  (2)

SISO systems can also be specified as a single-element list:

Or just as a rational function:

A single-output system can be given as a list:

Options  (5)

SamplingPeriod  (3)

Specify a continuous-time system:

A discrete-time system with sampling period 1:

A system with a symbolic sampling period:

Set the sampling period to a numeric value:

SystemsModelLabels  (1)

Label the input and output variables:

By default, the appearance is selected to fit the display in the notebook:

Applications  (18)

A proportional-integral (PI) controller:

A proportional-derivative (PD) controller:

A function to construct a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller:

A PID with specific gain values:

A function to construct a discrete-time PID controller:

A function for a continuous-time lead compensator:

A lead compensator for specific values of gain and pole-zero locations:

A function for a continuous-time lag compensator:

A specific lag compensator:

A digital lag compensator defined in terms of its zero and pole locations:

A general formula for analog lowpass Butterworth filters:

Filters of specific orders:

A third-order Bessel filter:

The general second-order transfer function:

Variations in damping ratio lead to qualitatively different responses:

A linearized inverted pendulum model:

A spring-mass-damper system:

Transfer function between the input voltage and the shaft angular position of a DC motor:

The aileron-to-roll-rate transfer function of an aircraft:

A temperature-controlled chemical reactor:

An RLC circuit:

A MIMO transfer function describing an aircraft's longitudinal dynamics:

A ball mill grinding system with delay due to material transport:

Properties & Relations  (8)

TransferFunctionModel behaves as a pure function of one argument:

The value of the transfer-function matrix at a specific frequency:

The values at several frequencies:

Use TransferFunctionFactor to obtain the factored form:

Obtain the expanded form:

Use TransferFunctionCancel to cancel any common poles and zeros:

Collect terms with similar powers:

Collect terms in any variable:

Find the element zeros and poles of a transfer-function matrix:

Obtain a state-space form of a transfer-function model:

Possible Issues  (3)

In TransferFunctionModel[m,var], pole-zero pairs may cancel before being processed:

Use Unevaluated to prevent cancellations:

Or use TransferFunctionModel[{num,den},var]:

Or TransferFunctionModel[{z,p,g},var]:

TransferFunctionModel[m,var] might result in a system with higher order:

Simplify the system:

Or simplify m before passing it to TransferFunctionModel:

If the complex variable var is not specified, it is assumed to be s for continuous-time systems:

Specify the transfer function using s:

For discrete-time systems, use z:

Wolfram Research (2010), TransferFunctionModel, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).


Wolfram Research (2010), TransferFunctionModel, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).


Wolfram Language. 2010. "TransferFunctionModel." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2014.


Wolfram Language. (2010). TransferFunctionModel. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


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@online{reference.wolfram_2024_transferfunctionmodel, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={TransferFunctionModel}, year={2014}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}