

gives the exponential generating function in x for the sequence whose n^(th) term is given by the expression expr.


gives the multidimensional exponential generating function in x1, x2, whose n1, n2, term is given by expr.

Details and Options

  • The exponential generating function for a sequence whose ^(th) term is is given by .
  • The multidimensional exponential generating function is given by .
  • The following options can be given:
  • Assumptions$Assumptionsassumptions to make about parameters
    GenerateConditions Falsewhether to generate answers that involve conditions on parameters
    Method Automaticmethod to use
    VerifyConvergence Truewhether to verify convergence


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Basic Examples  (1)

The exponential generating function for the sequence whose n^(th) term is 1:

The ^(th) term in the series is :

Scope  (19)

Basic Uses  (6)

Exponential generating function of a univariate sequence:

Exponential generating function of a multivariate sequence:

Compute a typical exponential generating function:

Plot the magnitude using Plot3D, ContourPlot or DensityPlot:

Plot the complex phase:

Generate conditions for the region of convergence:

Plot the region for :

Evaluate the exponential generating function at a point:

Plot the spectrum:

The phase:

Plot both the spectrum and the plot phase using color:

Plot the spectrum in the complex plane using ParametricPlot3D:

ExponentialGeneratingFunction will use several properties including linearity:

Multiplication by exponentials:

Multiplication by polynomials:


ExponentialGeneratingFunction automatically threads over lists:



Special Sequences  (13)

Discrete unit steps:

Discrete ramps:


Factorial polynomials:

Exponential functions:

Exponential polynomials:

Factorial exponential polynomials:

Trigonometric functions:

Trigonometric, exponential and polynomial:

Combinations of the previous input:

Different ways of expressing piecewise-defined signals:

Rational functions:

Rational exponential functions:

Hypergeometric term sequences:

The DiscreteRatio is rational for all hypergeometric term sequences:

Many functions give hypergeometric terms:

Any products are hypergeometric terms:

Transforms of hypergeometric terms:

Holonomic sequences:

A holonomic sequence is defined by a linear difference equation:

Many special function are holonomic sequences in their index:

DifferenceRoot in general results in DifferentialRoot functions:

Special sequences:

Periodic sequences:

Multivariate exponential generating functions:

Generalizations & Extensions  (1)

Compute the exponential generating function at a point:

Options  (5)

GenerateConditions  (1)

By default, no conditions are given for where a generating function is convergent:

Use GenerateConditions to generate conditions of validity:

Method  (1)

Different methods may produce different formulas:

VerifyConvergence  (3)

Setting VerifyConvergence to False will treat generating functions as formal objects:

Setting VerifyConvergence to True will verify that the radius of convergence is nonzero:

In addition, setting GenerateConditions to True will display the conditions for convergence:

Properties & Relations  (3)

ExponentialGeneratingFunction effectively computes an infinite sum:


ExponentialGeneratingFunction is closely related to GeneratingFunction:



Possible Issues  (1)

A ExponentialGeneratingFunction may not converge for all values of parameters:

Use GenerateConditions to get the region of convergence:

Neat Examples  (1)

Create a gallery of exponential generating functions:

Wolfram Research (2008), ExponentialGeneratingFunction, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExponentialGeneratingFunction.html.


Wolfram Research (2008), ExponentialGeneratingFunction, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExponentialGeneratingFunction.html.


Wolfram Language. 2008. "ExponentialGeneratingFunction." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExponentialGeneratingFunction.html.


Wolfram Language. (2008). ExponentialGeneratingFunction. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExponentialGeneratingFunction.html


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_exponentialgeneratingfunction, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ExponentialGeneratingFunction}", year="2008", howpublished="\url{https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExponentialGeneratingFunction.html}", note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_exponentialgeneratingfunction, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ExponentialGeneratingFunction}, year={2008}, url={https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExponentialGeneratingFunction.html}, note=[Accessed: 22-October-2024 ]}