

gives the numeric state response of the state-space model sys to input u for tminttmax.


gives the response of the discrete-time state-space model sys to the input sequence u[i].


gives the symbolic state response as a function of time t.


gives the state response for multiple inputs ui.

StateResponse[{sys,{x10,x20,,xn0}},, ]

gives the response with initial states xi0.


  • StateResponse solves the state differential or difference equations for the given input u.
  • The state-space model sys can be a StateSpaceModel, a continuous-time AffineStateSpaceModel, or a continuous-time NonlinearStateSpaceModel.
  • A linear StateSpaceModel sys can also be a descriptor and delay system.
  • The initial states xi0 are taken to be the state operating values of sys unless specified.
  • For descriptor systems, the initial states need to be consistent.
  • For delay systems, the initial states include history and can be given as xi0[t] for t0. »


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Basic Examples  (4)

The state response of a continuous-time system to a unit step input:

The response of a discrete-time system with initial conditions {1,-1}:

The state-response of a system to a Dirac delta input:

The step response of a time-delay system:

Scope  (26)

Continuous-Time Systems  (16)

The state response of a single-input system to a unit step:

The initial conditions are assumed to be zero:

The state response for a generic continuous-time system:

The response to a unit step input:

The response of a descriptor StateSpaceModel:

With an algebraic equation:

The numeric response to a sinusoidal input:

Specify {0.2,0.1} as the initial state values:

The response of a two-input system to input signals {SquareWave[t],Sin[t]}:

The state response of a three-input system to inputs {Sin[t],Cos[t],Cos[t]}:

Plot the response:

If there are fewer input signals than inputs, the remaining inputs are assumed to be zero:

If a scalar input signal is given for a multiple-input system, it is applied to each input in turn:

StateResponse[,{t,tmin,tmax}] gives the result in terms of interpolating function objects:

Plot the response:

The step response of a singular descriptor system:

The symbolic response for a singular descriptor system:

Plot the response:

The state response of an AffineStateSpaceModel to a UnitStep input:

Plot the response:

The response from nonzero initial conditions:

The state response of a NonlinearStateSpaceModel to a sinusoidal input:

Plot the response:

Discrete-Time Systems  (10)

The state response of a single-input system to a unit step input:

Plot the response for eight steps:

The response for a generic discrete-time system:

The response to a unit step sequence:

The response for a symbolic descriptor system:

The state response to a sampled sinusoid:

Plot the response with a zero-order hold:

The state response of a two-input system to two randomly sampled inputs:

The response to a random input sequence:

A two-input state-space model:

When only one input signal is given, the remaining inputs are set to zero:

The second and fourth states are not excited because the second input is zero:

If a single-input sequence is given to a multi-input system, it is applied to each input in turn:

Discrete-time time-delay systems accept a history for time steps before k0:

Generalizations & Extensions  (3)

If the initial time is not specified, it is assumed to be zero:

For a state-delay system, the initial states can include history:

For discrete-time systems with delays, the initial states can be given as a sequence:

Applications  (4)

The model of a stabilized inverted pendulum on a moving cart has the cart displacement d and velocity v, together with the pendulum's angular position θ and velocity ω as the state variables:

Compute the acceleration a of the cart and the angular acceleration α of the pendulum by differentiating the cart's velocity and the pendulum's angular velocity obtained using StateResponse:

Plot the results:

Analyze the response of the states to each control input for a multi-input system:

The state-space model of a production and inventory control system with desired production rate and sales rate as inputs and actual production rate and inventory level as states:

Determine the response for a given production rate and 10% jump in sales from the initial equilibrium condition:

Plot the response for specific initial conditions:

The ClohessyWiltshire equations model the relative motion between two satellites orbiting a central body:

Use StateResponse to obtain the closed relative orbits from a particular set of launch conditions:

Properties & Relations  (3)

The results of StateResponse and OutputResponse match for state output:

State output occurs when the output matrix is identity and the transmission matrix is zero:

The natural response is determined by the poles of the system:

It is invariant under any similarity transformation:

The original states:

The initial states for a descriptor system are chosen to be consistent for the inputs:

The second state equals the derivative of the input:

When inconsistent conditions are given, they are replaced:

Consistent initial states depend on the slow subsystem in KroneckerModelDecomposition:

For continuous-time systems, the initial conditions are given by :

Possible Issues  (2)

Symbolic state responses do not support time delays:

Try a numeric simulation:

For descriptor systems, solutions only exist when Det[λ e - a]0 for some λ:

Wolfram Research (2010), StateResponse, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).


Wolfram Research (2010), StateResponse, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).


Wolfram Language. 2010. "StateResponse." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2014.


Wolfram Language. (2010). StateResponse. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


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