Blood Flow Modeling in Cerebral Aneurysm

A cerebral aneurysm is an abnormal dilation caused by a weakening of an inner layer of a blood vessel wall. Aneurysms occurs within the brain. The biggest risk is a rupture, which has mortality rate of nearly 40%. The precise prognosis depends on various factors, such as age or the location of the aneurysm.
The goal of this application example is to study a blood flow in a patient-specific aneurysm obtained through a computer tomography (CT) scan and then predict where the aneurysm is most likely to rupture, based on various hemodynamic parameters. The model takes into account the non-Newtonian fluid flow properties of blood. The pulsatile flow data is experimentally obtained by a Doppler ultrasound measurement in the middle cerebral artery. The complexity of the model and geometry make solving the model expensive in both computer time and memory.
This application example is divided into two parts. The first part studies a stationary flow in one patient-specific aneurysm. The second part focuses on the pulsatile flow in the aneurysm and includes the prediction for the rupture site. This application example is based on [Brunátová, 2021].
Many of the animations of the simulation results shown in this application example are generated with a call to Rasterize . This is to reduce the disk space this notebook requires. The downside is that the visual quality of the animations will not be as crisp as without it. To obtain high quality graphics remove or comment out the call to Rasterize .
The standard system of units in the Wolfram Language is the SI system. For blood flow simulations, the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system is commonly used, and there a mass density is in grams per cubic centimeter. The base unit of pressure is dyne per square centimeter [], which can be converted to standard SI units via 1
. The base unit of dynamic viscosity is poise [
], which is equal to 1
More information about units in the context of the finite element method in the Wolfram Language can be found here.
The first thing to do is to prepare the mesh. In this case, it is not necessary to create the mesh from scratch, as the mesh already exists and is publically available here. The original mesh is, however, quite large. In the interest of computational time, a downscaled mesh is provided that will speed up the computations. This will, however, negatively impact the accuracy of some results, as discussed later. For a more accurate result, the original mesh should be used.
In order to prescribe boundary conditions on the various parts of the boundary, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between different parts of the boundary. This can be done with element markers. There are three types of element markers, which correspond to different types of elements: mesh element markers, boundary element markers and point element markers.
The red part of the boundary shown in the image on the left represents the inlet. This is where the blood flows into the aneurysm. On the other hand, the green and blue parts of the boundary on the right represent the outlet. This is where the blood flows out of the aneurysm. The white part of the boundary represents the wall.
The boundary element markers will be used later to prescribe Neumann boundary conditions. The Dirichlet boundary conditions are, however, prescribed at point elements. Thus it is necessary to repeat the procedure for the point elements.
The last thing that is necessary is to pick some reference point for the pressure. If no condition is given for the pressure, then the solution is not unique. To solve this issue, a point is chosen at which a reference value for the pressure is prescribed.
The Dirichlet boundary conditions are prescribed at point elements, but the pressure reference point might not be a point element. Therefore, it is necessary to find the nearest point element.
As a last step, the full element mesh is created.
Stationary Flow
As a first step, to keep things simple, the stationary case is solved. That is easier than to solve for a time-dependent pulsatile inflow case immediately. This has the additional benefit that concepts can be introduced in a simpler setting.
The goal of the stationary flow simulation is to compute the aneurysm's wall shear stress. The main challenge to overcome is the high nonlinearity in the fluid flow model. Not being able to solve highly nonlinear PDEs is not uncommon. In general, there exist two ways to go about this. One is to create a ParametricFunction through, for example, ParametricNDSolveValue and then iteratively increase the amount of nonlinearity. This approach is commonly used to get hyperelastic material models to converge. The second approach, used in this case, is to make the stationary model time dependent and use the time parameter t to ramp up the nonlinearity and integrate until a steady state has been reached. So the equations are set up as time dependent, even though they are used to compute the stationary flow. This allows one to start at the state of rest and slowly ramp up the inflow velocity as a function of time t. The NDSolve family of functions have an adaptive time-step integration method implemented, and NDSolve will automatically increase or decrease the time-step size, which makes it very convenient to use.
Boundary Conditions
There are three parts of the boundary: the wall, the outlets and the inlet. This corresponds to three boundary conditions that have to be specified. Additionally, a condition for the reference pressure is prescribed.
Wall boundary conditions
The so-called no-slip condition is prescribed on the wall. That is, it is required that the velocity on the wall be equal to 0. This is why this condition is called no-slip: the fluid sticks to the boundary and it does not slip.
Outlet conditions
There should be nothing that may interfere with the blood flow at the outlet. Thus 0 traction is prescribed at the outlet. This boundary condition is also called do-nothing boundary condition. Since a Neumann zero boundary condition is the default boundary condition when nothing is specified on a part of the boundary, it is possible to just not specify anything in that case and that would be fine too.
Reference pressure
Next, the boundary condition for the pressure is prescribed. This boundary condition is necessary to make the solution unique.
Inlet condition
Here the inflow is prescribed, which is composed from several parts.
The first part is a unit parabolic profile. This is used to prescribe the general profile of the inflow, and it has a shape of a parabola. The parabola has a value of one in the center and is equal to zero at the boundary to match the no-slip condition of the adjacent wall.
It is given as an analytic solution to the Poiseuille flow in a pipe. It is a laminar flow in a cylindrical pipe that has prescribed two different values of pressure at both ends. The pressure difference creates a pressure gradient, which makes the fluid in the pipe flow.
The formula for the inflow profile is given as:
where is a radius of the pipe (in this case of the inlet), and
is the center point of the inlet boundary. Note that this formula for the inlet velocity only works because the no-slip condition is on the wall. If a different boundary condition were used, this formula would have to have a different form.
It is necessary to know the radius and the center in order to use the formula. In this case, those values are provided with the mesh.
Now the inlet profile can be computed. The vector , which appears in the definition of the profile, might not lie in the inlet. It is possible that it has a small normal component, which would plague the resulting profile. Thus this potential normal component is subtracted from the vector. This way, a vector that is tangent to the inlet is obtained, which can be used to compute the profile. For this, a unit boundary vector is required. It is possible to once again use a provided vector, but in this case, there already exists a convenient tool that can be used: the NeumannBoundaryUnitNormal function.
The inflow damping function is used to damp the inflow at the beginning, as discussed above. The actual mathematical formulation of the damping function is arbitrary, as long as the function starts from 0, increases until it reaches 1 and is constant thereafter.
The inflow is scaled with the cycle-averaged cross-section mean velocity. As the name suggests, it is a velocity averaged over the cross section of the inlet and over one cardiac cycle. Its value is 48 .
Now it is possible to write down the whole inflow function.
With this function in hand, it is finally possible to prescribe the boundary condition for the inlet.
Initial Condition
All boundary conditions are prescribed, but an initial condition has to be given, because the problem is solved as a time-dependent problem. Zero velocity and zero pressure are chosen as the initial condition, as the fluid is desired to be at rest at the beginning of the computation.
Model Setup and Solution
The first thing to do is to define variables.
Next, material parameters are prescribed. The non-Newtonian Carreau model is well suited for describing properties of human blood. It allows the decrease of viscosity when the shear rate increases to be captured, as well as the Newtonian plateau.
The equations can be generated using the FluidFlowPDEComponent.
Now the equations are solved. For this, the finite element method is used to discretize the equation in the spatial dimensions and then the method of lines is used to deal with the time. The Taylor–Hood element, which is a popular choice for the fluid dynamics, is used. The AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal are reduced, and the IDA method with reduced order is used to make the computation faster, but also less accurate.
Furthermore, it is sufficient to store the solution only for the time when the computation ends. For this reason, it is possible to use in the NDSolveValue. This significantly reduces the required memory for storing the returned InterpolatingFunction objects.
The simulation will take some time to finish.
The large computational time is expected, as the mesh has many elements and is three dimensional, and the mathematical model is highly nonlinear. All these factors contribute to the long evaluation time. The options given help to reduce the integration time.
Now that the equations are solved, it is possible to take a look at the solution and compute some additional parameters from it. The units of the plotted quantity are written above the legend and are in the CGS system as was discussed at the beginning of this application example.
Use vector plots to visualize how the blood flows.
It can be seen that the blood flows into the aneurysm through the inlet, then it swirls around the aneurysm until it flows out of the outlets. This behavior can also be observed in the stream plot. Note that it can be seen in the vector plot that the blood flows into the aneurysm through the inlet and flows out through the outlets. This is an expected behavior that cannot be observed in the stream plot.
A more detailed look can be taken by creating two slices and plotting the norm of the velocity. The slices are defined by a normal vector and a point. This defines unique planes that slice the aneurysm.
Now with both slices defined, it is possible to plot how the norm of the velocity looks on those slices.
Before analysing the plots a list plot of the second slice is created.
It can be seen that the velocity in the center of a large vessel section of the slices is quite small, and at the same time, velocity peaks can be observed near the boundary.
It is now possible to plot the apparent viscosity in the same way the norm of the velocity was plotted. This allows the non-Newtonian properties of blood to be studied. First, however, it is necessary to compute the viscosity, as there is no direct access to it. The first thing to do is to compute the gradient of the velocity, which is then used to compute the strain rate tensor.
Now with the strain rate tensor in hand, the shear rate and then the apparent viscosity can be computed.
The plots show the non-Newtonian nature of blood, as the plots show that the viscosity varies from 0.04` to 0.1`
. This is a quite significant decrease in the viscosity from the viscosity at zero shear rate of 0.56`
. Note that for a Newtonian fluid, both plots would show constant viscosity.
Wall shear stress
The last thing to do with the stationary solution is to compute the wall shear stress from it. The wall shear stress is an important hemodynamic parameter. It represents the tangential part of the traction acting on the wall, and it is considered to be one of the indicators for rupture.
The formula for the wall shear stress is the following:
where is the stress tensor and
is the outer unit boundary normal vector. The first part
represents the traction acting on the wall, while the second part
is the normal component of the traction. If the normal component is subtracted from the traction, the result is the tangential component, which is called the wall shear stress.
Two things should be noted about the wall shear stress. First of all, some sources define the wall shear stress as the norm of the vector , while here it is defined as the vector itself.
Second, the wall shear stress is sensitive to the mesh refinement. This application example focuses more on performance than accuracy, because its goal is to demonstrate concepts and workflow that are associated with solving complex problems arising in computational fluid dynamics. This is why downscaled mesh is used and why the obtained results for the wall shear stress are not as accurate as they could be. For more accurate results that could be used in practice, the problem should be solved on the original, or ideally, even finer mesh.
It is necessary to set up the stress tensor and the unit boundary normal vector to compute the wall shear stress. The stress tensor is given as
where is the pressure,
is the identity matrix,
is the apparent viscosity and
is the strain rate tensor. Most of it was already computed in the previous section, so now it remains to set up the stress tensor and the unit boundary normal.
Now finally the wall shear stress can be computed and plotted.
The wall shear stress plays an important role in predicting where the aneurysm rupture is most likely to occur.
Pulsatile Case
Now it is time to take a look at the pulsatile case. The difference between the pulsatile case and the stationary case is that now the cardiac cycle is taken into account. Most of the things can be reused from the stationary case, because the stationary case was solved as a time dependent problem.
Note that pulsatile case is more expensive to compute both in time and memory than the stationary case.
The stationary solution is no longer needed and therefore it is possible to remove it from memory. This allows to use the same variable names for the solution, namely ,
for the velocity and
for pressure. It also allows to reuse some parts of the code from the stationary case, which relied on the previously used variable names, such as the material parameters
Inflow Data
The first thing to do is to import the inflow data. The inflow data used in this application example are real life data obtained by a Doppler ultrasound measurement in the middle cerebral artery. They represent the norm of the velocity of the blood flow during one cardiac cycle. The cardiac cycle is the activity of the human heart from one beat to another.
An initial spike can be observed in the plot. This corresponds to the heart beat. The data were obtained by Doppler ultrasound measurement in the middle cerebral artery. Note that this is just a measurement of one specific case. The precise inflow into the aneurysm depends on various factors such as heart rate.
It will be useful to define the length of the measured cardiac cycle.
The inflow data are discrete, hence in order to use them in computations it is necessary to make them continuous. This is possible with either a fit or an interpolation. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The interpolation is more accurate, but the fit offers a better performance as it is smoother and its evaluation is faster. Since this application example focuses more on performance than accuracy, the fit approach will be used. The interpolation will, however, still be used to measure the accuracy of the fit.
On visual inspection, the interpolation nicely represents the data, but it is not as smooth as the fit.
The fit does not suffer from this problem. A fit based on trigonometric functions is used to obtain a periodic function. The accuracy of the fit can be increased by adding additional terms to the fit. This however negatively affects performance as more terms have to be evaluated. This application example uses 10 sine terms and 10 cosine terms which provides reasonable accuracy for this application, as will be shown later.
The fit is less accurate than the interpolation, which is expected. It also oscillates quite a lot in the second half of the cardiac cycle. This is caused by the fact that trigonometric functions were used to obtain the fit. The trigonometric nature of the fit also means that the fit is much smoother that the interpolation, which will make the convergence of the model much easier and will positively affect performance.
The fit can be compared to the interpolation to measure the accuracy of the fit.
The approximation error of the fit varies during the different parts of the cardiac cycle, but it is less than 0.02 most of the time. This is acceptable for this application example.
Boundary Conditions
The inflow data is now utilized in the inlet boundary condition to create the pulsating flow of a cardiac cycle. This is done by modifying the inlet boundary condition.
The damping function was an important part of the inflow profile in the stationary case. It was used to damp the inflow at the beginning of the computation. This helped the computation to converge. The damping function is used again in the pulsatile case for the same reason, however this time it is a little bit different. It is modified in such a way that it dampens the first period of the cardiac cycle, while leaving the following periods unaffected.
This new damping function together with the inflow fit is used to define the inflow velocity for the pulsatile case.
With the inflow velocity prescribed, the inlet boundary condition is then defined.
Model Setup and Solution
Now the equations for the pulsatile case can be generated with the modified boundary conditions.
It is necessary to define when the computation should end. In this application example 5 cardiac cycles are simulated.
Next the equations are solved. The computation takes some time to finish.
Notice that it was possible to reuse a lot of code that was used for the stationary case.
Now that the equations are solved, it is now possible to visualize the solution. This section is organized in a similar manner as the one in the stationary case. The only difference is now that instead on static images animations are presented. The animations visualize the evolution of some quantity like velocity or viscosity, during one cardiac cycle.
Plots of the desired quantities are generated at given times, which serve as frames of the animations. The times are chosen as an equidistant partition of the last computed cycle.
Vector plots are created first. In this case the vectors are scaled depending on the magnitude of velocity. Therefore it is necessary to obtain the maximum norm of the velocity at each time to scale the vectors in the same way. It would be possible to maximize the norm of the velocity using e. g. NMaximize, but that would take too long and would require to use an ExtrapolationHandler in NDSolveValue. For this reason we approximate the maximal norm of the velocity by only considering the velocity at each node of the mesh at some timestep. This gives a good approximation of the maximum norm of the velocity which is sufficient in this case.
The stream plots follow. Note that the creation of stream plots is computationally expensive.
Notice the initial increase in the velocity in both plots at the beginning of the cardiac cycle in the inlet artery indicated by the change of color and vector size. This is caused by the heart beat.
The 3D plots are followed by 2D plots on slices to obtain more information about the velocity as in the stationary case.
The plots show the pulsatile nature of the flow. A sudden increase in velocity can be observed at the beginning of each cardiac cycle. This corresponds to the heart beat. The sudden increase is followed by a decrease in the velocity.
Finally, the viscosity is plotted over the slices. But in order to do so, it is necessary to create a function, which can then be plotted as was done in the stationary case. For this the velocity gradient, strain rate tensor and shear rate are necessary.
Now with the viscosity function set up, the viscosity can finally be plotted.
Both plots show a similar behavior as the velocity slice plots but there is one difference. The viscosity actually decreases during the heart beat. This is caused by the shear thinning property of blood. The hear beat leads to increased velocity in the aneurysm. The increased velocity increases the shear rate, which leads to decrease in viscosity.
Wall Shear Stress
The wall shear stress was already introduced at the end of the stationary case. Now it is time to take a look at the wall shear stress in the pulsatile case. Wall shear stress will be plotted in the same way as velocity and viscosity. Samples at predefined times will be computed which will then be plotted. To make this easier it is helpful to create functions which will compute wall shear stress first.
Note that the wall shear stress is sensitive to mesh refinement and too accurate results can not be expected for this mesh. The wall shear stress serves as a basis for other hemodynamic parameters which are used for rupture site prediction.
Time-averaged Wall Shear Stress
A time-averaged wall shear stress is another hemodynamic parameter. Even though it will not be used to make the prediction, it is useful as an intermediate step towards an oscillatory shear index.
The time-averaged wall shear stress is the wall shear stress averaged over one cardiac cycle. It can be computed with the following formula:
where is wall shear stress and
is cardiac cycle time. In this application example the time-averaged wall shear stress is computed only for the last cardiac cycle.
The integral in the definition of the time-averaged wall shear stress would is to computationally expensive to compute in a reasonable time and within a reasonable amount of memory. For this reason a simple midpoint rule will be used to discretize the integral:
where is the time step represented by the variable deltaTime and the
are time steps stored in the variable times.
Time-averaged wall shear stress is sensitive to mesh refinement in the same way as is wall shear stress. Since the mesh used in this application example is rather coarse, in the interest of computational time, accurate too results can not be expected for this mesh. Furthermore the time-averaged wall shear stress can vary depending on model and boundary conditions used.
Rupture Site Prediction
This final section of this application example is dedicated to the prediction of where the aneurysm might rupture. Such a prediction is made by computing hemodynamic parameters from the solution of the equations. Note that the rupture site prediction computation is still an area of active research and making an accurate prediction is difficult. Current approaches are based on studying hemodynamic parameters and since the precise location of the rupture is also affected by other factors than velocity and pressure, any prediction is an estimate at best. A second point to keep in mind is that since this application example favors performance over accuracy, one can not expect an overly accurate rapture site prediction either. The problematic of rupture site prediction will be discussed in more details at the end of this section once all hemodynamic parameters are introduced and a prediction is made.
The true rupture site for the studied aneurysm is known. For comparison, the true rupture site will be denoted by a white circle in the following plots. This allows to compare and measure the accuracy of the numerical prediction.
Oscillatory Shear Index
The oscillatory shear index is a dimensionless quantity that measures oscillations of the wall shear stress during one cardiac cycle. The oscillatory shear index, together with the time-averaged wall shear stress, are among the most frequently recently studied hemodynamic parameters. Both of these parameters have been found to correlate with aneurysm rupture, although there is a controversy regarding the statistical significance of the predictions. The oscillatory shear index is defined by the following formula:
The oscillatory shear index will be discretized in the same way as time-averaged wall shear stress:
The time step cancels out in the fraction and therefore it is not necessary to include it in computations.
The oscillatory shear index is less sensitive to mesh refinement than the wall shear stress and time-averaged wall shear stress.
The prediction of the rupture site is the spot with maximal oscillatory shear index value. The prediction is a little bit shifted from the actual rupture site denoted by the white circle. This shift is common for predictions based on the oscillatory shear index and its precise reason is yet to be explained.
Accurately predicting the rupture site is a difficult problem for to several reasons. Firstly, blood is a complex fluid and determining accurate model and boundary conditions is difficult. There are many models and all have slightly different properties and can be useful in different situations. The Carreau-Yasuda model used in this application example is fairly accurate in typical conditions and it is a good choice for most situations.
Secondly, some hemodynamic parameters are highly sensitive to mesh refinement. A very fine mesh has to be used to obtain accurate results but this makes the computation run longer and need more memory.
Thirdly, the approach used in this application example relies solely on computational fluid dynamics and mechanical properties of blood to make the prediction. Other factors such as age or hypertension may affect the risk of development and rupture. Furthermore there a considerable evidence that inflammation is also involved in development and rupture [Signorelli et al., 2018]. Such factors can not be easily modeled.
Finally, the precise process of development and rupture is not completely understood and is still an active area of research. All those factors make accurate prediction difficult.
1. Brunátová (formerly Trdlicová), Jana. (2021). "Blood Flow Modeling in Cerebral Aneurysm." Master's thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, online available here.
2. Signorelli, F., Sela, S., Gesualdo, L., Chevrel, S., Tollet, F., Pailler-Mattei, C., Tacconi, L., Turjman, F., Vacca, A., Schul, D. B. (2018). Hemodynamic Stress, Inflammation, and Intracranial Aneurysm Development and Rupture: A Systematic Review.V World Neurosurgery, volume 15, pages 234 - 244, doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.04.143.