creates a lowpass Butterworth filter of order n and cutoff frequency of 1.
uses the cutoff frequency ωc.
creates a filter of a given "type" using the specified parameters spec.
expresses the model in terms of the variable var.

- ButterworthFilterModel returns the filter as a TransferFunctionModel.
- ButterworthFilterModel[{n,ω}] returns a lowpass filter with attenuation of
(approximately 3 dB) at frequency ω.
- ButterworthFilterModel[n] uses the cutoff frequency of 1.
- Lowpass filter specification {"type",spec} can be any of the following:
{"Lowpass",n} lowpass filter of order n and cutoff frequency 1 {"Lowpass",n,ωp} use cutoff frequency ωp {"Lowpass",{ωp,ωs},{ap,as}} use full filter specification giving passband and stopband frequencies and attenuations - Highpass filter specifications:
{"Highpass",n} highpass filter with cutoff frequency 1 {"Highpass",n,ωp} use cutoff frequency ωp {"Highpass",{ωs,ωp},{as,ap}} full filter specification - Bandpass filter specifications:
{"Bandpass",n,{ωp1,ωp2}} bandpass filter with passband frequencies ωp1 and ωp2 {"Bandpass",n,{{ω,q}}} use center frequency ω and quality factor q {"Bandpass",{ωs1,ωp1,ωp2,ωs2},{as,ap}} full filter specification - Bandstop filter specifications:
{"Bandstop",n,{ωp1,ωp2}} bandstop filter with passband frequencies ωp1 and ωp2 {"Bandstop",n,{{ω,q}}} use center frequency ω and quality factor q {"Bandstop",{ωp1,ωs1,ωs2,ωp2},{ap,as}} full filter specification - Values ap and as are, respectively, absolute values of passband and stopband attenuations.
- Given a gain fraction
, the attenuation is
- The quality factor q is defined as
, with
being the center frequency of a bandpass or bandstop filter. Higher values of q give narrower filters.
open allclose allBasic Examples (2)
Scope (6)
A symbolic lowpass Butterworth filter of order 3 with a cutoff frequency ω:
Same filter using the full specification:
Create a highpass Butterworth filter of order 3 with a cutoff frequency of 10:
Same filter using the full specification:
Create a "Bandpass" filter with passband frequencies and
and attenuation of order 3:
Same filter using center frequency and quality factor specification {{ω,q}}:
Same filter using the full specification:
Create a bandstop Butterworth filter:
Exact computation of the model:
Applications (6)
Create a lowpass Butterworth filter:
Filter out high-frequency noise from a sinusoidal signal:
Butterworth filter phase shifts the response by Arg[tf[ω ]], where ω is the frequency of the input sinusoid:
Create a highpass Butterworth filter from the lowpass prototype:
Filter out low-frequency sinusoid from the input:
Design a digital FIR lowpass filter using the Butterworth approximation that satisfies the following passband and stopband frequencies and attenuations:
Obtain the equivalent analog frequencies assuming a sampling period of 1:
Compute the analog Butterworth transfer function:
Convert to discrete-time model:
Create an FIR approximation of a discrete-time Butterworth IIR filter.
Implement a lowpass digital Butterworth filter:
Obtain the desired number of FIR samples from the impulse response of the discrete-time Butterworth filter:
Smooth financial data using an FIR approximation of a Butterworth filter:
Filter an image using a discrete-time lowpass Butterworth filter:
Properties & Relations (9)
Stopband attenuation increases by a factor of per decade as order
Passband width of "Bandpass" filter decreases with increasing quality factor q:
Phase response of a third-order lowpass Butterworth filter:
Compare phase responses for different filter orders:
Phase response of a "Bandpass" filter for several quality factors:
Extract the order of the Butterworth polynomial:
The order of the Butterworth polynomial for lowpass and highpass is the same as the specified order:
The filter order for bandpass and bandstop is twice the given order:
Show the Butterworth polynomial in the denominator of the transfer function:
Find the poles of a Butterworth filter by solving for the roots of the denominator:
Extract poles using TransferFunctionPoles:
Plot poles of the Butterworth filter:
Implement a lowpass digital Butterworth filter:
Wolfram Research (2012), ButterworthFilterModel, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ButterworthFilterModel.html (updated 2016).
Wolfram Language. 2012. "ButterworthFilterModel." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2016. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ButterworthFilterModel.html.
Wolfram Language. (2012). ButterworthFilterModel. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ButterworthFilterModel.html