As of Version 8, the functionality of the Wavelet Explorer add-on has been integrated into the Wolfram System.
Wavelet Filters
The following is a list of filters available in Wavelet Explorer, along with the equivalent form in Version 8.
HaarFilter[] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[HaarWavelet[]] |
DaubechiesFilter[n] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[DaubechiesWavelet[n]] |
LeastAsymmetricFilter[n] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[SymletWavelet[n]] |
CoifletFilter[n] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[CoifletWavelet[n]] |
ShannonFilter[lim] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[ShannonWavelet[lim]] |
MeyerFilter[n,lim] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[MeyerWavelet[n,lim]] |
SplineFilter[n,lim] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[BattleLemarieWavelet[n,lim]] |
BiorthogonalSplineFilter[n,m] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n,m]] |
HighpassFilter[h] | WaveletFilterCoefficients[wave,"PrimalHighpass"] |
To compute wavelet coefficients, use the built-in function WaveletFilterCoefficients.
Note that all wavelet coefficients are scaled by relative to the results from Wavelet Explorer, so to get the equivalent values, you must multiply the result by
To compute high-pass filter coefficients, use the "PrimalHighpass" argument to WaveletFilterCoefficients.
Scaling and Wavelet Functions
The following is a list of functions available in Wavelet Explorer, along with the equivalent form in Version 8.
ScalingFunction[filt,j] | WaveletPhi[wave] |
Wavelet[wave,j] | WaveletPsi[wave] |
ShannonPhi[t] | WaveletPhi[ShannonWavelet[lim],t] |
ShannonPsi[t] | WaveletPsi[ShannonWavelet[lim],t] |
MeyerPhi[n,t,lim] | WaveletPhi[MeyerWavelet[n,lim],t] |
MeyerPsi[n,t,lim] | WaveletPsi[MeyerWavelet[n,lim],t] |
SplinePhi[n,t,lim] | WaveletPhi[BattleLemarieWavelet[n,lim],t] |
SplinePsi[n,t,lim] | WaveletPsi[BattleLemarieWavelet[n,lim],t] |
BSpline[n,t] | BSplineBasis[{n,{u1,u2,…}},0,t] |
DScalingFunction[filt,jmax,m] | Dt[WaveletPhi[wave,t],{t,m}] |
DWavelet[filt,jmax,m] | Dt[WaveletPsi[wave,t],{t,m}] |
The functionality of ScalingFunction is now available by using WaveletPhi.
To find the derivative of the scaling function, use Dt and WaveletPhi.
The functionality of DWavelet is now available by using Dt and WaveletPsi.
Compute higher-order derivatives of the scaling and wavelet function.
The InterpolatingFunction outputted from WaveletPhi and WaveletPsi has InterpolationOrder set to 1. Hence the second derivative comes out to be 0.
Resampling and interpolating with a higher InterpolationOrder resolves the issue.
The functionality of BSpline is now available by using the built-in function BSplineBasis.
Wavelet Transforms
The following is a list of wavelet transforms available in Wavelet Explorer, along with the equivalent form in Version 8.
WaveletTransform[data,filt,j] | DiscreteWaveletTransform[data,wave,j] |
InverseWaveletTransform[wd,filt] | InverseWaveletTransform[dwd] |
WaveletPacketCoefficients[data,filt,j] | DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform[data,filt,j] |
WaveletPacketTransform[data,filt,l] | WaveletBestBasis[DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform[…]] |
InverseWaveletPacketTransform[wpdata,filt] | InverseWaveletTransform[dwd] |
The functionality of WaveletTransform is now available by using DiscreteWaveletTransform.
To compute a packet transform, use DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform.
Use InverseWaveletTransform to compute the inverse:
The functionality of MRDecomposition can be replicated as follows.
Sine & Cosine Transforms
The following is a list of functions available in Wavelet Explorer, along with the equivalent form in Version 8.
CosTransform[data,n, BasisType->m] | FourierDCT[data,m] |
SinTransform[data,n,BasisType->m] | FourierDST[data,m] |
InverseCosTransform[cdata] | FourierDCT[cdata,m] |
InverseSinTransform[sdata] | FourierDST[sdata,m] |
To compute SinTransform, use the built-in function FourierDST.
SinTransform with a specified second argument.
In one dimension, the functionality of SinPacketCoefficients can be replicated as follows.
Similarly, we can write CosPacketCoefficients using FourierDCT.
Other Utilities
The following is a list of functions available in Wavelet Explorer, along with the equivalent form in Version 8.
PlotCoefficients[wd] | WaveletListPlot[dwd] |
PhaseSpacePlot[wd] | WaveletScalogram[dwd] |
ShowBasisPosition[wd] | DiscreteWaveletData[…]["BestBasisBlockView"] |
PlotCoefficients2D[wd] | WaveletMatrixPlot[dwd] |
ShowBasisPosition2D[wd] | DiscreteWaveletData[…]["BestBasisBlockView"] |
WaveletCompress[wd,…] | WaveletThreshold[dwd,tspec] |
To plot wavelet coefficients, use WaveletScalogram.
Use WaveletThreshold for data compression.