Acoustic PDEs and Boundary Conditions

Overview »
Acoustics is the field of physics that models sound by changes in pressure. Two approaches to model acoustic systems are common: one approach is to model acoustics in the time domain and the other is to model in the frequency domain.
AcousticPDEComponent — model acoustics in the time or frequency domain
AcousticAbsorbingValue — truncate an infinite region to a finite one
AcousticImpedanceValue — model partially sound-transparent boundary
AcousticNormalVelocityValue — model sound sources on the boundary
AcousticPressureCondition — set a pressure source at the boundary
AcousticRadiationValue — model sound sources and sinks on the boundary
AcousticSoundHardValue — model an acoustic wall on the boundary
AcousticSoundSoftCondition — set pressure equal to the ambient reference pressure
Acoustics in the Time Domain — monograph about modeling acoustics in the time domain
Acoustics in the Frequency Domain — monograph about modeling acoustics in the frequency domain
Acoustic Cloak — model an acoustic cloak
Acoustic Horn — model an acoustic horn
Acoustic Mirror — model an acoustic mirror
Acoustic Muffler — model an acoustic muffler
Acoustic Wave Diffraction — model acoustic wave diffraction
Electric Motor Noise Analysis — analyze motor noise
Helmholtz Resonator — compute and hear resonance frequencies of a bottle
Room Eigenfrequencies — compute room eigenmodes
Models Overview
Comparative overview of the acoustic models.
More examples for boundary conditions can be found on the respective reference pages.