From overall layout to details of particular features, the Wolfram Language allows broad manual and programmatic control of the appearance of chartsfully integrated with its symbolic representation of graphics, interactivity, and analysis. Drawing on its unique computational aesthetics technology and award-winning graphic design, the Wolfram Language makes it easy to achieve a level of chart styling that has in the past only been accessible through detailed hand rendering.

Data Styling

Style styling wrapper for individual data elements or datasets

ChartStyle overall styles for data categories

Red  ▪  LightRed  ▪  ColorData  ▪  ColorFunction  ▪  ...

Pictorial & Special Effects

ChartElements graphics to use to represent elements in a chart

ChartElementFunction general function for generating chart elements

Chart Element Schemes palette of built-in chart element appearances

Overall Layout

ChartLayout the overall layout for a chart (e.g. "Stacked", "Grouped", ...)

Bar & Rectangle Charts

BarOrigin the orientation of the bars in a bar chart

BarSpacing spacing to leave between bars and groups of bars

Joined whether to join bars

Pie & Sector Charts

SectorOrigin where the first sector should be placed

SectorSpacing spacing to leave between sectors and groups of sectors

PolarAxes  ▪  PolarTicks  ▪  PolarGridLines  ▪  PolarAxesOrigin

Bubble Charts

BubbleSizes the overall size of bubbles to display

BubbleScale how to scale bubble sizes with data values

Labeling, Legending & Annotation »

Labeled  ▪  Legended  ▪  ChartLabels  ▪  ChartLegends  ▪  Tooltip  ▪  ...

Overall Appearance »

ImageSize the overall size of the chart

AspectRatio  ▪  Background  ▪  BoxRatios  ▪  PlotLabel  ▪  GridLines  ▪  ...